The 2 in 1 package

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     I was now holding Spinel as I crossed 4 of my legs and sat her on them as we continued to read the dictionary as I slowly feel myself getting used to speaking again even though its kind of difficult to do with no lips as I gaze down at Spinel

Y/n: We need to deal with the gems

?: We have been saying this

Y/n: I know but now we can roughly speak and...... They hurt Spinel and that kinda-

Y/n\?: Pissed us off~

Spinel: Uh what was that Y/n?

Y/n: Nothing keep reading. your doing good~

Spinel: Okie dokie!

Y/n: We need to make the gems are allys

?: Correct but you know it wont be so easy we cant go up to them and just say "Hey dont stab me I want to say all of you are in a tv show and im trying to give you the best ending!"

Y/n: Of course not! We have to get leverage in order for them to listen and not stab us immediately..... Like a-

?: Currently self doubted leader who can split into easily moveable relatively weak gems!?

Y/n: Oh how I love that we all get along!

?: Yes it is nice...... Should we take Spinel?

Y/n: I don't see why not? From what I remember she managed to beat all the crystal gems without any combat training!?

?: really???

Y/n: Yeah!

?: Hmm but she could get poofed and well poofing hurts....... We dont want that

Y/n: Alright we wont take her right now but if she insists we wont stop her deal?

?: Deal

Y/n: Alright Spinel we have to go~

Spinel: B-but what i-if you dont come back!

I caress Spinels cheek as I see her start to cry as I gently wipe the tears away

Y/n: Spinel we promise to be back and with new friends!~

Spinel: Pinky promise

Spinel holds out her pinky as I let out little chuckle as I place one of my blades on it as she wraps her pinky around it and shakes it as she lets go and I head to the warp

Y/n: Pinky promise~

We start to warp and as we travel through the warpstream much to my suprise we land in the Kindergarden

Y/n: Why are we here?

?: The fusion is here with the Pearl they have been poofing shards and bubbling them hoping to lure us out

Y/n: They haven't sent the shards to the temple?

?: No they think we are still around from last time because they have yet to figure out that we can warp. The fusion has been using her future vision constantly on us. We (the Sapphire shards) have been suppressing it to the point it doesn't bother us........ But it is still annoying

Y/n: Well how about we give them what they want and fight them

?: We can defend from all sides not attack?

Y/n: Which is why we will do this quietly

?: I see.... Then let us not waste time we wouldn't want to keep Spinel lonely and bored

*Cut to Pearl sitting inside a exit hole*

Pearl: Garnet are you sure this will work?

Garnet: Yes it seems to want to fuse with other shards it will not miss this bounty

Pearl watches as Garnet stands still in the middle of all the bubbles as she decides to sit down while watching Garnet

Pearl: Hopefully your right???

???: She is~

Pearl: Huh!

???: Bye bye Pearl~

*Y/n pov*

After I sliced through Pearl and poofed her I roar at the fusion below before jumping down intent on completing this

Garnet: We are finishing this

?: Yes. we are

We charge at Garnet as she jumps away into a hole above us before leaping behind us as we move to face her

Y/n: We need to be careful if she starts to lose she might sing

?: That is a problem because?

Y/n: When characters in this show sing in a fight they become basically invincible and will probably win

?: Ah then when that time comes we will have a plan

I nod as I once again charge at Garnet as she charges me as I go to slice her with one of my arms she slides under before recovering and slams one of her gauntlets into a uppercut as I leave the ground for a second as she hops back

Y/n: OW!

?: Are exoskeleton is still holding we can take her brute force! We just need to make sure she doesnt find a weakness

Garnet: *sigh* because I promised Steven........ Are you stable. Is a part of you still in there?

Y/n\?: Yeah and we want to kick your a** for doing that!~

Garnet: Y-You can speak!

We dont respond as we charge her again and this time slam 4 of our arms onto her as she braces and cracks the ground while falling to a knee

Y/n: We still have 4 more~

She looks at my other arms before I stab them into her as she lets out a battle shout before slowly standing to her feet under the pressure

Y/n: Stay down please its bad enough im fighting one of my favourites~

I draw back the 4 arms I stabbed into her before using 2 to slice off her legs then her arms before she finally poofs and Sapphire and Ruby's gems fall to the floor before I clamp down on them and put them into my mouth

Y/n: I wish we had another way to transport them besides putting them in my mouth

?: I agree but we cant change that...... Lets go get those bubbled shards

We look over at them before we slowly but surely collect them all and we then make our way to the warp pad before arriving back to the garden


It took awhile but eventually Sapphire and Ruby came back as they looked around in the cageme and ? made them. Making sure they both had separate ones and far enough away from eachother they cant touch eachother

Spinel: Aww their really cute~

Ruby: Im not cute! Where am I??? Sapphire!

Sapphire: Im right here... It seems we have been captured

Y/n: Yes now lets talk~

(Decided to make a youtube channel so I can make animations for my stories! ;)

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