Dangerous Date

904 74 21

*Y/n Pov*

I awake in a good mood as I hear the cacophony of voices. I wish Unity a good morning before looking around the garden as I stand up.

It was still empty, Spinel hasn't been returned yet... the gems better not have done anything!

I shake the thought out of my head as I feel the shards shift and squirm around my body. It hurts as tears well up in my eyes and I clench my teeth. Feeling my body rip and joints pop, my bones breaking and rearranging

Eventually I am pushed out of the shards before feeling a weight of comfort. The shards make a sort of cape around my neck as the weight makes my legs buckle a bit.

Y/n: Is, something wrong Unity? *cough*

Unity: No.... we.... just... wanted... to... see... your... face....

I breathe heavily, trying to steady myself. The transformation always takes a toll, but Unity's presence offers a strange sense of comfort amidst the pain.

Y/n: Well, here I am. It's nice to see you!

Unity's form flickers, their expression a blend of concern and curiosity. The garden feels serene, yet there's an underlying tension, a sense of something amiss.

Y/n: We need to find Spinel. I can't shake off this feeling that something's wrong.

Unity: We... understand... your... worry... But... she... is... fine...

Y/n: Let's start by checking Earth, I'm sure she's doing something fun in beach city?

Unity: Agreed...

Together, we make our way through the garden, each step bringing a mix of nervousness and apprehension. We then warp to our hidden warp pad, a smile on my face as I take a whiff of the sea air

Y/n: So, let's go to the temple. Maybe the gems are taking care of her

Unity: A-Actually... how... about... we... check... around... the... beaches... first.

Y/n: Um... ok?

So after brushing through the well.... brush. I feel the nice sun coat my skin, like a invisible blanket. I grab a shard out of comfort as we continue to walk, guiding eachother down the beach with a smile.

The beach was vibrant, full of life and color. Side characters ran along the shore, their laughter mingling with the gentle crash of waves. It was a beautiful day, one that would be perfect for a date if I could shake off this nagging worry about Spinel.

Unity seemed determined to steer me away from the temple. Their insistence was unusual, making me even more suspicious. Still, I tried to push the concern aside and focus on the present moment.

Y/n: So, Unity, what do you think of this place?

Unity: It... is... beautiful... like... you...

I blushed, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips. Despite the strange circumstances, Unity always knew how to make me feel special.

Y/n: Aww you're too sweet, thanks Unity. Let's find a spot to sit and relax for a bit.

We found a secluded part of the beach, away from the hustle and bustle. Unity spread out like a blanket, and we settled down, enjoying the warmth of the sun and the soothing sound of the ocean. For a moment, all worries melted away, replaced by a sense of peace and contentment.

As we sat, I noticed a glint of movement out of the corner of my eye. Turning my head slightly, I saw the familiar forms of the Crystal Gems Amethyst, Steven, and Connie. They were doing something, training it seems like

Y/n: Unity? The others are here, and they look like they don't notice us.

Unity: Yes... we... see... them... too...

Y/n: What are they doing?

Unity: Perhaps... they... are... simply... training......  not another episode.

I barley heard them, something about a "episode". Amethyst might be trying to do something foolish. I decided to ignore them, pretending not to notice them.

Y/n: Well, if they want to train let them, they seem to be playing more though!

I giggled a little, Unity's form glowed faintly, their shards reflecting the sunlight. We found my hand and shards were sharing a grip. The gesture was simple yet..... nice. We sat in silence for a while, just enjoying each other's presence.

*3rd pov*

Unity looked at his face, it was fixed to the sunset. He was smiling, his heart was beating. This human, this mere mortal, who literally fell from the sky. A tool, that was meant to be used and thrown away.... the shards couldn't lie. They've grown attached, if this mortal ever died........


Something obviously happened where Amethyst was training. This ripped Y/n from the sunset as they looked over concerned, their hand slipping out from the shards.

Y/n: What happened over there? Are they alright!?

Unity: Please... give... us... a... moment...

Unity stood up, the amalgamation of shards sharpening. They walked over, making sure Y/n stayed put. The shards were vibrating in communication, some in relief, most in anger...

Unity: DO... YOU... MIND!?

Infront of Unity was a poofed corrupted gem, Amethyst, Connie and Steven, and Jasper riding a corrupted gem.

Unity:....... If... you're... going... to... fight..., do... it... quietly... and... or... away... from... here!

Amethyst: Tell them that!

As Amethyst says that she gets slammed by Jasper. Poofing her instantly as the corrupted gem Jasper was riding heads towards Unity. They grab onto its face stopping it in its tracks

Y/n: Unity? Is everything alright!

Unity: Just... fine!... don't... move... please!...

Unity lifts up the creature before tossing it at Jasper. She ducks out of the way as the shards move closer to the group. Unity roars in anger before slinging their hand, beams of light firing around as the sand turns to glass in a instant.

Connie: Watch it Unity!

Steven: Connie, we should go

Steven says panicked as voices begin to cloud his head and Jaspers aswell. All of the voices sounding not too pleased.

Jasper: I came here for payback on that human, looks like I can do it all in one fell swoop.

Jasper trys to "Spin dash" Unity but as she gets close. Unity rears back a leg and kicks her away. The shards fluctuating momentarily as they have to collect themselves

Unity: We... remember... you..... you... hurt... the one we all love

Jasper: Yeah, well he got his licks in t- did you say love?

Steven: *gasp* Awwwww!

Jasper cracks her knuckles as the shards form themselves into points. The two figures staring eachother down, the air was thick with the tension. That all broke however when-

Y/n: Unity, is that true?

Unity: Fuck...

Jasper: Crap...

Y/n looked at the group standing on top of a rock. As this happens Jasper collects the poofed corrupted gem, hopping onto her toppled steed and getting into the ocean. Connie and Steven both look at Amethyst's gem as it begins to reform

Amethyst: What did I miss

Connie: Unity just confessed she love loved Y/n

Unity: Well... we... could... have... played... it... off... platonically... Connie...

Amethyst: Oh... boy

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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