Favorite Show

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     Malachite decided to stay at the barn while Unity and Spinel returned to the garden. Y/n insisted on staying with the gems to make sure the sudden massive fusion didn't cause a ruckus with the story. This however led to Garnet making sure Y/n didn't cause a ruckus by keeping him on a leash... literally

Y/n: Unity is going to kill you when she finds out.

Garnet: I think she'll see my reasoning

Y/n frowned before grabbing a knife from the counter and cutting off the leash. A annoyed sigh escaped Garnet's lips before she wrapped her hand tightly around Y/n's

Y/n: Your not letting me out of your sight are you?

Garnet: Nope.

Y/n went to the couch before sitting down. Garnet does aswell before Y/n turns on the T.V, "Dog copter" a hit series in this world comes on. However, their was one slight problem with the show

Y/n: This is trash.

Y/n said before turning off the T.v, Steven was busy with Pearl and Greg. Thankfully the party went on normally as Y/n rested, so Greg got his money and the trip got to happen. They were on vacation and having a great time.

Amethyst was just relaxing in her room. Which left Garnet to keep watch over a reluctant Y/n. The quietness was driving him slowly mad, he had become so used to Unity and her several internal debates. Silence was his worst enemy now, it made him antsy

Y/n: I wish I had my phone, I could show you some funny stuff and still be entertained.

Garnet: Where did you leave it?

Y/n: Well I left it- oh.


Y/n was back where he fell, Garnet was still holding his hand as he looked around the area. Eventually through enough searching he found it, he smiled with glee after he pressed the power button.

And it turned on

Y/n: YES!

Garnet: Your quite happy over the phone?

Y/n: Well yeah. It's a incredibly useful item, and I could give it to Spinel as a gift.

Garnet and Y/n returned to the house. A smile crossing Y/n's face before he turned it on and began to browse a couple apps. Eventually he started to watch "Steven Universe" Garnet looking down at the screen in shock.

Garnet: You've been filming us?

Y/n: No. Just watch the show with me please, no questions.

Garnet had many more questions but settled down to watch the cartoon. Y/n went through several of the past episodes, season one through two as the pair enjoyed the show. It was the prison break episode, and Garnet was fighting Jasper

Garnet: You stole my line when we fought.

Y/n: In my defense, it was pretty funny.

The connection between the characters on the screen and the gems in the room deepened. Y/n found himself opening up to Garnet about his experiences and thoughts on her as a character.

Y/n: It's funny how expressive you can be.

Garnet: Hmm. Is that why you like annoying me

They laughed together at the humorous moments and shared a quiet understanding during the more profound scenes. As the episodes progressed, Garnet couldn't help but notice the obvious pain Steven went through. Guilt slowly bubbling to the surface

Garnet: Steven's had a rough time.

Y/n: True. Though it will be a lot better from now on.

The day turned into night, and the marathon reached its end. Y/n looked at Garnet with a newfound appreciation.

Y/n: Thanks for watching this with me. It made the day way more interesting.

Garnet: Anytime, Y/n. It was a unique experience.

Y/n: Yep, don't worry I'll pay you back one day.

Garnet: For what?

Y/n: Spending time with me.

Y/n smiled at Garnet as she looked at him in confusion. She's never really gotten a gift before, and she is quite excited to see what her frenemy has in mind.

Garnet: Goodnight Y/n.

Garnet stood up before going into her room. Y/n smiled before resting on the couch, falling asleep while watching some funny videos.

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