The Moon

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Y/n was happy, happier then usual I guess is a better explanation. The reason being is that it is Steven's Birthday today and he gets to fix it. Normally Steven is turned into a child because of a certain emotional mishap.

However that isn't going to happen this time

Unity: We have the warp pad made

Y/n: YES! Now we can come here to Beach City whenever we want!

*Y/n pov*

I smile as I think about future plans. Smiling I step out into the city, moving through the shadows as I make it to the barn.

Only to see party decorations in a trash can. How!? HOW DID I MISS IT! growling in anger I quickly hop off the barn onto the ground. Sketching, I quickly jot down the episodes after this.

There is only one place I want to go throughout these couple of episodes.

The Moon

I always wanted to go there and now I have a good excuse.

Unity: Are you sure that is wise

Y/n: Yes?

Unity: We will try our best to keep you safe

I chuckle before quickly scratching away the etches. I begin to retreat to the forest were we kept the warp pad. Peering at it in anticipation I step on it as we warp, and in a instant chaos erupts

Y/n: Greetings

They of course ready their weapons as I notice something peculiar. Steven and Peridot were missing, putting it together I look up.

Unity: They are up there.

The Gems seem to notice my interest as they rush. Quickly jumping into action as my left side of arms get wrapped in Amethyst's whip. Pearl does strikes at my legs, doing little effect thanks to the armor. Garnet is the only force I feel thanks to the rapid punches

Looking down I stare at Garnet before quickly slicing her gauntlets off. I raise my arms slinging Amethyst into a wall before into the ground a couple of times. Then I quickly kick Pearl back as I stare at then, lowering my head to Garnet

She still remains stoic, of course I was confused but I shake it off quickly poofing her before turning towards Pearl

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She still remains stoic, of course I was confused but I shake it off quickly poofing her before turning towards Pearl.

Y/n: Pearl was it? Do you feel if when you look at us? Your sins crawling on your back

Pearl: Yes. However, that's my past, what matters now, is the now!

Pearl quickly runs as I look in confusion before our body chases after her.


Just before we reach her I realise what she was doing. We were about to cut her down, but she manages to press it. In one quick motion a door opens sucking out everything in the vast vacuum. She however stabs her spear into the ground preventing her from coming with us

Quick, we stab into the walls holding us from getting sucked out like a certain alien movie.

Steven: PEARL!

Pearl: Steven! When you get back! Get them from the temple!

Pearl bubbles the gems she was holding before sending them away. She then turns towards me before ripping her spear from the ground and throwing it at the button she pressed. It starts to close as she kicks the shards on my body.

It was just enough for us to get launched. Unfortunately for her she didn't realise I was smart enough to stab into the moon. Landing firmly without the threat of being sent any further

Y/n: That's annoying

We look down at the skinny Pearl, who is currently flattened against our chest. Angrily Unity flicks her off and onto the ground

Unity: Great now we're all trapped on the Moon!

Pearl: Heh. Not bad for a Pearl

She says to herself as we pick her with a arm as I begin to walk around and explore. It was the moon! How many people can say they've walked on the moon!

Pearl: Let me go or shatter me already!

Unity: You little!

Y/n: How selfish, leaving Steven like that, his last memory of you being taken by a monster. You just want to give up now!?

I look at Pearl as she seem to be considering my words before I drop her.

Y/n: You can be as pathetic as you want. I'm going to explore and try to find a way home

We can't enter the observatory or else we risk it never being used again. Sadly the hatch is one way so we would have to break our way in. Making Lapis probably run away somewhere else, where she won't be discovered

Pearl: Ugh I liked it more when you couldn't talk

Y/n: You don't have to follow us

Pearl: I have to keep a eye on you. I'm the warden of this new prison of yours!

Unity|Y/n: Pfft heh that's cute

She huffs at this as we continue to walk. Pearl sitting on our back staring into the vastness of space. Or better yet Earth, until we approach a somewhat large crater

A flashing was coming from the center of it. It looked interesting, I've never seen it before. It was never in the show at all in fact, that means...

Unity: Make yourself useful warden. What is that thing down there?

Pearl: Hmm?

She hops off peering into the crater. I do the same before gaining a mischievous idea

Pearl: I have no idEA!

I knocked her into the crater as she slides down. Shortly followed by me as I jump down next to her once before we reach the bottom

Pearl: Was that necessary?

Unity: Shut it

The glimmers got brighter as we get closer we realise. It's a tower, glowing a luminous white glow. It looked beautiful, it was neatly made in a basic medieval tower shape, but it had no cracks or bricks. It looked solid, definitely gem craftsmanship

Pearl: This looks ancient, how long has this been here? By the looks of it I'd say a couple eras. First generation!

I look at her as she examines the building, staring at her she moves around the building before doing the same

Eventually we come upon a text. It seemed ancient as we blew the dust off staring at it

"Up in the sky on few planets large. Their exist rocks not very far.
It's not a planet or a star.
It pulls us up as we lay below.
Staring at it from our home bestowed.
We stare and wonder what they are.
White balls of secrets.
It calls itself."

Pearl: Well that doesn't make much sense? Give me a few moments and I'm sure I can get a answ-

The shards debate as talk through many answers but nine of them seem like they would fit. So I say the one that comes off the top of my head.








Y/n: The Moon

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