Old past New future

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     As we warp back to the garden I walk over to a nearby fallen pillar as I set Spinels gem against it as I let my legs fall as I lay down and look at the gem as thoughts swarm my head

Y/n: We were supposed to keep both Spinel and Steven safe but we instead almost got Spinel captured and almost killed Steven!

?: What do you mean...... This has been happening a lot lately you know things we dont?.... That makes us less efficient

Y/n: I suppose I should reveal the truth it's about time........ To put it simply im not from this reality?

?: explain please

Y/n: *sigh* In my reality all of you characters were actually a show.... You didn't exist and on accident I suddenly appeared in this world and since the show was really good I watched it a lot so I know when certain events will happen

?: It's good to know we we're entertaining atleast..... So you know the set future?

Y/n: Yes until I change it that is!

?: Change it??? Why

Y/n: If things go as they are now many bad things that could be avoided happen I'm going to stop them Spinel is one ive already stopped hopefully....

?: I see so you want a better ending to the show

Y/n: Yes

?: Alright we are fine with this

Y/n: Great glad to have you on board.... I really want to speak again

?: We can always try?

I grin at this as I try to speak but like normal it comes out in gibberish

Y/n: *sigh* this is going to be a long couple of hours


     It was now dark as Pearl and Garnet sit on the top of the barn as they look out at the fields until Pearl finally breaks the silence

Pearl: So what do you think about that...... The shard spider?

Garnet: It's a horror to think about..... All those shards forcefully fused together like that? It goes against what fusion actually is!

Pearl: Hmm I see your point but what about it was actually threating? It didn't attack us until Spi- that gem was about to be bubbled. Not to mention that it showed extreme intelligence when evading us

Garnet: That doesn't matter it's going on instinct to eliminate the threat to them it's probably thinking of a way to get rid of us right now?

Pearl: *sigh* I just wish I knew how that gem and the shard spider get along with eachother

*With Y/n-? and Spinel*

     It's seen that Spinel is holding a dictionary as Y/n and Spinel stare at it as Y/n trys to speak while Spinel trys to learn the humans way of speaking

Spinel: So if I want to say thank you.... I say "I want to kill you Y/n!?"

Y/n: NO!

Spinel: *Gasp* Y/n you speaked and I understood you!!!

Sorry its a bit short I will publish a longer chapter soon

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