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     The Gems could only stare as they tried to think of a solution. The massive shard creature grabbed Y/n and took him to the beach infront of the temple. When the sun started coming up, Y/n was surrounded by the shards as they coiled and swayed around him

He on the other hand sat crisscrossed on the beach looking rather upset with the gems. It was a awkward moment for everyone as the shards insisted that Y/n kept still.

Y/n: Wow, just wow you guys... I'm really disappointed.

Pearl: We were going to tell you lat-

Y/n: Oh shush! You weren't going to tell me anything! You ripped off my arm!?

Garnet: You've sliced off both of mine.

Y/n: I was disarming you! You don't bleed your made of light!

Amethyst: Yeah but we didn't know you were human?

Y/n: You didn't think that something was wrong when my skull was fractured and bleeding!

Amethyst: The heat of combat man

Y/n let's out a massive sigh before standing up. The shards quickly corralled around his body hindering his movement a bit. They quickly form into their humanoid form, grabbing Y/n before forcefully pulling him close

The Gems pull out their weapons as the two factions glare at eachother

Y/n: Unity!

Unity: You... Stay... close... Gems are... Dangerous!

Y/n groans as Unity squeezes him tighter

Garnet: Unity! Let him go!

Pearl: He's staying here!

Unity: HE'S... OURS!

Y/n: I feel like a doll getting fought over by two children. Unity... can we go now

The shards seemed visibly happy with this response as they hold Y/n up

Steven: Y/n!

Y/n: Don't worry, I just need to stay away from you guys until the event happens!

Steven: Event!?

It was too late for Steven to question him further as the shards moved swiftly up the temple, past the lighthouse, and into the woods.

After some traveling they eventually make it to the warp pad before warping to a random kindergarden

Y/n: This isn't the garden?

Unity: Hard... to... focus.... form... needed... your.... needed

Y/n looked up at the massive cluster in sympathy. It was obvious they were struggling to stay together and function.

Y/n: I don't think burning into me will work again.... I'd probably just die. Heh

Unity: Your... safety... is... priority

Y/n: We could try to fuse like normal gems! But... I'm not part gem so-

Unity: YES!

Y/n:..... um ok?

The pair tried to fuse again and again. Doing several different dances yet none of it seemed to work as Y/n lays down tired

Y/n: I guess it... didn't hurt to try

Unity: It... was... enjoyable...... come. We. Have. A. Idea...

Y/n: Ok?

The shards lifted up Y/n before standing on the warp again. Warping several times until eventually coming upon a island in the middle of the ocean

Unity: We... stay... here... Spinel... will... come.....

Y/n: Oh... right

Thoughts of Spinel and Malachite fill Y/n's head. He didn't want to trick them like that, but it seemed like the only way to get them to leave. Is Spinel going to be happy to see him? Is Malachite still Malachite? It's so many questions and concerns

Y/n: Making things better is so hard.

Unity: It... will... be... alright..... Just... focus... on... now..... on... us

Y/n: Alright, let's head into the woods it's getting cold

*Timeskip, pov change*

I stumble through this unknown plain. I know he is out here... he has to be. Malachite went insane and had to lock herself down in the ocean again. Leaving me

Spinel: All alone....

I think back to Y/n and their constant kind words to me. He played with me, he took care of me, it didn't matter how strong he got. He wanted me to be safe and with him

It was obvious he was busy with other things. But unlike that TRAITOR! He always made time for me, he always made sure to think of me!

I quickly warped to Watermelon Island, this is where he and the gems fought. If he was hurt, he would still be here and need my help. If he wasn't, then the gems temple would be torn apart next

Spinel: Y/N! ARE YOU HERE!?


I heard a voice, it wasn't Y/n's but it sounded similar. I used my scythe and tore through a bush, staring at a human all alone in a field. He was surrounded by shards all dotting the ground.

Spinel: Who are you?

?: Um... I'm Y/n?

Spinel: Hey listen here pal, don't you use that name without knowing it's meaning

?: Spinel! I- oh right I'm human now.

I approach the human, I put a hand on his shoulder. About to knock the human out and question him later. Then, I heard it, I felt it


Y/n: Spinel?

Y/n: Spinel?

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Y/n: I'm ok.

Y/n pulled me into a hug tighter

Y/n: I'm sorry for scareing you. I can explain everything

I didn't care about that, I didn't care if he was a mass murderer that shattered everything. I just wanted him to come home and for us to rest.

Spinel: Can we go home... please












Y/n: Yeah... let's go home.

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