Save her

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     It was a nice day for Garnet. The Shard spider has not been around much and to be completely honest. Y/n seemed too kind and thoughtful to cause much trouble

Garnet: I just wish they weren't.... like that. I would have liked to meet Y/n as a human, I think they are quite charming

As she conversed with herself she thought about today's earlier events. Pearl and Peridots robot fight was quite awesome. Yet now she was wandering through a familiar Kindergarden. Unlike other trips that would usually involve combat this one was quiet

Garnet: I don't suppose their are any shards left here. That pair must have gotten them all

Garnet now set on completing her task grabbed various machine parts around the Kindergarden. Lifting them up and stacking them until she couldn't hold anymore as she makes her way back to the warp pad however.

?: BOO!

Garnet: AH!

Garnet immediately throws the metal into the air in shock. As various familiar limbs catch the metal balancing it on 3 legs and all of their arms. Infront of Garnet was someone she didn't quite want to meet

Y/n: HA spooked the unspookable!

Garnet: You've got a lot of nerve Y/n

Y/n: Whoa? What's with the hostility!? Here let us help you out!

Unity: Scaring you was his idea I want to point out.

Y/n and Unity then fling the metal back into the air before catching it all with a pair of arms.

Y/n: See no harm done!

Garnet stared silently at the amalgamation as it slightly disturbed them. Chuckling nervously Y/n walks with Garnet as they make their way back to the Warp pad

Garnet: So what are you planning now?

Y/n: Who says I'm planning anything?

Garnet looks at Y/n. Yeah despite not having a face they were pretty easy to read.

Y/n: Ok fine! I need your help with something

Garnet: Not happening.

Y/n: Please~ I'll make sure it's worth your time!

Garnet: How so? Going to kidnap me again?

Y/n: No. I need your help regarding fusion!

Now this got her attention as she stopped walking again looking up at Y/n. Afterall fusion was her specialty and now a fellow permafusion was asking for assistance.

Garnet: Alright. Let's just get this metal back first

Y/n: YES!

Unity: Y/n. Quit embarrassing us


Garnet and Y/n were now staring at eachother in the middle of meadow. They came here for the quiet and solitude so that their antics won't spur more drama with the Crystal Gems.

Garnet: Alright what do you need?

Y/n: Can you separate a fusion from a fusion?

Garnet:............. come again?

Y/n: Ok like how your Ruby and Sapphire. However your also Garnet! Is their a way to separate the Garnet from Sapphire and Ruby!?

Garnet: Why do you need to know this?

Y/n: Um wel-

Unity: That is none of your concern.

Garnet thinks long and hard about what Y/n might want. Well considering he wants to help people and their is only a couple fusi-

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