Living Void

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     Thanks to me I successfully got Y/n and the shards back to the garden. The shards were moving on their own, which I found a little weird but that was besides the point. Y/N WAS BACK!

And he is actually a human? Which is a bit nice because I can actually feel his face and get reactions besides that blind grin.

Y/n: Spinel... can you let me go now?

Spinel: Oh, yeah sorry

Spinel unwraps from Y/n as he looks around the garden. It's been such a long time since he's seen it at normal height. It felt intimidating, heck Spinel was somewhat intimidating to be around considering her hyperness and joy at the moment

Unity: Spinel...

Y/n: We need to explain some stuff to you


Y/n explained everything to Spinel. Who Unity is and how they fused, Why they're now unfused, and the current issue of fusing back together

Spinel: So Y/n is actually two people?

Y/n: Yep

Spinel: Y/n and Unity sitting in a tree~

Y/n let's out a sigh as the shards get agitated at Spinel's little taunt. Y/n shakes it off before looking around the garden confused

Y/n: Where's Malachite?

Spinel: Oh, she um... had to leave.

Unity|Y/n: Why?


Y/n: They're becoming more unstable. I couldn’t even figure out a way to separate Malachite either...

Y/n slumps down a bit as the shards wrap around him for comfort. Spinel doing the same to her partners as she gingerly throws the scythe away

Y/n: Hm.

That's when Y/n noticed it, the way the shards moved around without a body. It seemed a white sort of electric current ran from each shard to the surrounding ones. Pulling and pushing eachother for movement

Carefully he moved a hand towards it wrapping a finger around the white string. Spinel unwraps the two as she stares at Y/n grabbing the white threads

Y/n: Unity?


Y/n: It's like the stuff we found on the moon. I guess this is the light that makes a gems body.

Spinel: Is that safe?

Y/n: One way to find out.

Y/n yanks on a clump of the strings as the shard shout out all of a sudden causing Y/n to drop them. Watching them pull back into place with curiosity

Unity: Y/n... don- do.... that again

Y/n: Huh?

Y/n grabbed another string, Spinel does the same they analyze the stuff until Y/n grips it hard. This causes the string to turn black as it starts to be dragged into Y/n's body. After a bit a small Ruby flys out and into Y/n's hand. Sinking into his skin before it's surroundings turn black


He said in genuine horror as he clutched his hand in fear.

?: Im..I'm... back!

Y/n: Your back?

Spinel: Y/n are you alright?

Y/n: Yeah um.. can you hand me that please

Spinel hands over the white string as Y/n grips it hard again. Watching as it darkens and pulls from the cluster before a Peridot comes into Y/n's arm. Y/n does this several times, taking several strings and pulling them into his body.


Y/n stood tall and proud, spinel was astonished aswell as she stared at the very tall amalgamation.

Y/n took a deep breath in as the room darkened, it lit up once again when Y/n let out a sigh. Hugging himself and Unity, happy they were together again

Unity: Are you upset with us?

Y/n: Why would I be upset?

Unity: We lied, about you not being able to unfuse with us. We thought you would have been very... unaccepting if you saw a way out.

Y/n: Oh, yeah I guess you did. Well I wasn't going to unfuse with you anyway! We're friends afterall!

Unity: Yeah... friends

Spinel watched with concern as the ground cracked underneath Y/n. Deciding to take cover behind a pillar and peek out

Spinel: You alright Y/nity?

Unity: Just fine dear.

Spinel: Then can we go get Malachite?

Y/n: What a wonderful idea!

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