Y/n's Short Rest

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*Y/n pov*

A few hours later I awoke. Everyone else has gone asleep but none the less I was still awake. Pearl seemed to be the only one awake with me as I stared at her cleaning up in the kitchen.

Y/n: Where's Centipeedle?

Pearl: She got corrupted again and was moved to where her friends were. Steven seemed pretty upset learning about the Diamond's attack

She got corrupted again? How was that possible, I fixed her? Was it because I didn't completely untangle everything? Or did it corrupt itself because of stress?

Y/n: Fuck.

Pearl: Y/n!?

Y/n: Sorry. I'm sorry... I was just hoping I could fix the corruption first try. Seems like it will take some more planning though, Is there anything I can get to help?

I exhale through my nose, sinking into the couch as I fiddle with the shard I took with me. It was a large red shard, so I assume it's from a Ruby, maybe a red Amethyst?

Y/n: No time to dawdle, I need to get ready for the next events. Their all important and they're all back to back

I sit up groaning in discomfort before I am pushed back onto the couch. Looking at the assailant, I see it was Pearl. Her face one of seriousness and authority

Pearl: You are staying right there until you feel better.

I put my hands up before laying back down. It sucked to like this, Unity is definitely going to kill me when she finds out I'm not back. That is if she isn't on her way right now?

Y/n: Ugh, why can't corrupted gems just be like shards. This is all Pink's fault you know!

Pearl: She was a magnificent diamond Y/n. Though I know a human like you can't appreciate that.

Y/n: A magnificent dirt pile is still just a dirt pile

Pearl: Huh?

Y/n: You'll know when you grow a bit more. Anyway, what's new. Is Steven still helping the town and all that?

Pearl: Yes, he has spent time with Connie more and Greg aswell

Y/n: Maybe I helped with that somewhat?

A moment of silence passes before I sit up. Pearl attempts to push me back onto the couch but I pull her down with me as I laugh. She pushes herself off me wiping her skirt with a scoff

Pearl: You humans are always so needy for entertainment.

Y/n: True, I'm used to having thousands of voices flooding through my head on the daily.

Pearl: T-thousands? That sounds overwhelming

Y/n: It can be at times. But they quiet down, and I always enjoy listening to some stories they have.

Pearl: Do. Any of them talk about me?

Y/n: Yeah, they were kind of angry that the war they were fighting was pretty much useless. However they got over it and insisted on taking care of me instead

Pearl: Thats... something.

I grunt before standing up. Pearl once again trys to push me back down but I lean out of the way as she falls onto the couch.

Y/n: Sorry but I have to go before Unity throws a fit.

Pearl: Hmph. Fine, she better not blame me for your death however.

Y/n: I'll be fine~

I make my way out of the house. Giving Pearl a nice wave before I go, laughing a bit I walk along the beach with my eyes closed. Enjoying the fresh air, the sea splashing against the sand, and the looming shadow that is now over me

Y/n: Wait. What?

I run into something tall and hard as I stare ahead of myself. It was a dark orange hard object, then I finally look up. A crash helmet evident in the moonlight

Y/n: Oh, hi Jasper!? Your not supposed to be here right no-


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