Chat in the Clouds

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     Y/n: You guys are so small~

Y/n was currently looking down at all of the gems. All of them except Garnet were very much concerned at his new size. If he layed down and stretched, he would probably span about half the island

Needless to say, he was being extremely careful with how he moved now. Actually Unity was making sure the excited human didn't kill anyone. Whatever the case, they slowly crouched down, smiling at the gems.

Pearl: So... this is very unique. How did they get to such a size

Garnet: You know all the shards on the planet, except the cluster.

Pearl: Yeah, we were aware of them being scattered across gardens?

Garnet: Well your currently looking at all of them. Plus the ones that got away thanks to Unity's escapade.

Unity: Worth it


Steven's voice rang through Y/n's ears. He smiled and stood up, a look of concern for thr floating child. He was too busy fixing Unity up to stop Steven from floating. That means Steven is currently floating in the air, in the middle of the night.

Y/n stood up, eye level with the floating boy. He was slowly falling and it was slightly annoying to keep track.

Y/n: Hello Steven.

Steven: Hi Y/n! I see you've changed again.

Y/n: Yep!

Steven: I've unlocked a new power! I can float now!

Y/n: I see that, want to chat for awhile?

Steven: I don't have anything better to do.

Y/n chuckled a bit at Steven's claim. It was true, and plus it meant he no longer had to crouch to talk to someone.

Steven: Hey you seem to know a lot! Why does Yellow not like me?

Y/n: She's a sour puss. Also she is quite literally the biggest suck up in the universe.

Unity: That is... surprisingly accurate

Y/n: I know.


Steven: Oh right. Your two people, or one human and a bazillion gems! Are you like Sapphire and Ruby?

Y/n: How so?

Steven: Well are you guys you know...

Steven makes a heart with his hands as the fusions face heated up a rainbowish color, much to Y/n's confusion.

Amethyst: Sup bros.

A voice rang out as Y/n looks to his shoulder. The purple smudge became clearer, it was Amethyst who managed to make her way up to Y/n's height.

Amethyst: Look I don't want to rush ya, but it's past Steven's bed time and Pearl is throwing a fit larger then Y/n right now.

Y/n: That bad?

Amethyst: Yeah, not liking the threat of you either.

Y/n: We thought we earned her trust!?

Unity: It will take time, she will trust us if we continue to act proper around her.

Y/n shrugs before curiously setting his hand under Steven for him to fall on. Y/n then got a idea, was it a bit of a jerk move yes.

Y/n: Hey Steven your powers all focus around your emotions. So try thinking of something sad for you to fall.

Steven: I knew you knew how my powers worked! Ok let's see.

Steven began several not so sad things. He wasn't getting the hang of it like Y/n expected. He was actually struggling more now that Y/n intervened.

Y/n: Crap, I got to solve this. Steven, your mother personally shattered thousands of gems. Her sins all fall on you, every scream, every silent ca for help that is ignored. YOU DID ALL OF IT. ITS ALL YOUR FAULT!!!

It seemed to work as Y/n felt weight in his hand. So with a grin Y/n lowered Steven to the ground as he sat there. Frozen

Y/n: Steven, I just said that so you could fall.

Steven: I know but... your right?

Unity: He is... but we forgive you, we know it isn't your fault or doings. We're happy again, and happy to forget the past.

Steven smiled slightly before hopping off the fusion's hand. Y/n stood back up as the gems went inside, a problem suddenly shooting through his head.

Y/n: How are we going to warp?

Unity: Don't worry about that. Just be glad Steven is starting to trust you, your goal is just beyond the horizon.

Y/n: Thanks, I'll trust you to take the other two back to the garden. I'm going to sleep awhile.

Unity: Hmm, Goodnight Y/n.

Y/n: Goodnight Unity.

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