Part One : Healing

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I have my flaws
I make mistakes
But I'm myself
I'm not ashamed
That's who I am
(That's who I am, that's who I am)

Of course, with years under fear and torment, it's gonna lead to some trauma. Vic is just on her way home with some friends. She wants to see her family. Her brother. Her Mischief. 

But things are never that easy. Their truck gets flipped off the road and all three of Vic's new friends die. The years of malnourishment and dehydration send her into a coma where it looks like she won't wake up. 

And when she does, things start getting chaotic. How can she survive and cope with her new reality when her brother is almost always gone? She sees how bad it is for her dad as sheriff, trying to solve crimes that are almost impossible to solve. But she never says anything. How can she, when she can't find the words? 

How can she heal from the life she had adapted to? The one she had barely survived? 

A/N That prologue was REALLY long right? But nice job on you for finishing it. And again, thank you for choosing my book to read. I really hope you enjoy.  Okay, the first bit is gonna be a bit short and mostly scenes I made up myself since Vic is trying to deal with her own stuff while everything's happening in season one and two. And there was the coma I mentioned above. So that's gonna come into play. But I'll try to fill in gaps as best as I can. 

Hope you enjoy, and I'll see you in the first chapter. 

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