3:43 Throw Him Out

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Warnings: dead bodies, guns, attempted killings, swearing, small storms and earthquakes, angst, injuries, small amounts of blood, suicide

It was weird, for some reason. She had been at Scott's house dozens of times. She was there barely 24 hours ago. It felt different now. She couldn't explain it but something felt.... Wrong.

Vic knocked on his door back door. Liam played with his hands beside her. The curtain covering the window moved. The door opened a second later. Malia ushered them in. Vic felt her shoulders straighten, her guard go up at the strange woman in the kitchen.

She had dark hair, her skin was wet with perspiration. There was blood on her right temple, like someone had painted a circle on her forehead and the blood dried. She was in her early twenties, and she smelled like the wild.

She smelled like a wolf.

"Who's this?" Liam asked. He had healed some so he wasn't limping anymore. He had changed into a shirt Mason kept in his trunk for emergencies (the boy had spare clothes for both of them). But Vic knew he was still in pain.

"This is Quinn," Scott said.

"Where's your pack?" Vic asked.

Quinn blinked. "I... I can't remember..."

Vic kept her face neutral. "What happened to you?"

"I was shot," she answered.

"By who?" Liam asked.

"A deputy," Quinn said.

Vic licked her lips. Who? Not Parrish. Dan? Vargas? Strauss? "We need to tell my dad about this."

They all left the house, heading to the Jeep. Vic climbed in the passenger seat and turned on the radio.

"Dispatch, we have 187 suspects in custody," her dad's voice said. Everyone was silent as they listened.

"Copy that, all three?" Dispatch asked.

"All three. Raeken, Theo. Soo Hoo, Jiang. Moore, Tiereny."

"Jiang and Tierney are part of Satomi's pack," Vic said. She looked at Scott in the driver's seat. "Now we have two reasons to go to the station."


Her dad slapped a file down on his desk. Paperclipped to the front were Jiang and Tierney's mugshots. "I'm not letting them out. We've got two bodies covered in slash marks. They confessed to killing two people."

"Hunters," Scott argued.

"People, Scott," Noah stated. "Self-defense or not, they're still here, the other guys are dead. And there's a process I have to follow."

"Yeah but you know what's happening around here," Scott said. "It's not safe for them."

"This may actually be the safest place for them in Beacon Hills," the sheriff said. "At least I can protect them here."

"Would Stiles think that?" Lydia asked.

"Especially if one of your deputies is working for Gerard?" Malia added.

"I'm not buying that," Noah said. "I know these deputies like the back of my hand. I know their families, their kids, their brothers and sisters. I know who they are and I trust them."

"You know who they were," Liam corrected. "There's something out there. Everyone's afraid and it's getting worse."

"People who are afraid will do anything they can if they think they'll survive," Vic said. Her eyes were distant, her hands rubbed the scars on her wrists.

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