1:13 My Gut Is Telling Me I Want Pizza

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Warning: pizza denial, nightmares, guns, getting shot, being held hostage, mentions of past trauma, slight panic attack, injuries, Teen Wolf creatures, death, blood, a REALLY long chapter so get ready

He stood in front of her. Not as a body, and not with those injuries on his face like she had seen him last, but as a person, as the boy that held her in the dark as she cried for her family. He appeared to her as her brother. 

"Marcel?" she called. "¿Eres tú, hermano mío?"

"Si, mi hermana," he confirmed. He opened his arms for her. "Why not give an old friend a hug?" 

She raced towards him, to embrace him one more time. She tried, but it was like the closer she got to him, the farther away he got. "Marcel, what's happening?" 

"Why don't you come closer?" he asked her. His voice was filled with anguish and sadness. "Do you not want to see me?" 

"I do!" she shouted. "I do, I do! Marcel! I can't reach you!" 

"Vic, why don't you come to me?" he asked. He was going further away, but she could still see him clearly. She could see the blood that came from his nose and mouth, the bruises that closed both his eyes shut, the broken nose on his young face. 

She screamed. She ran to him. She had to help him. This was Marcel. She couldn't lose him. Not again. But she was still so far away. 

She stopped when she heard a bang from far away. It echoed in the space, made the walls shake. That was when she noticed the space. It was black, the walls, floors and ceiling were black, there were no windows but she coud still somehow see. 

"This isn't real," she whispered. 

She ignored the screaming of her friend and focused on the sounds outside. The quick footsteps, the rushed and frantic footsteps. The hushed voices she could still hear. 

Vic was paralyzed for a second and terror spread through her body before she realized where she was. She was home, she was safe. She laid on the floor in a sleeping bag because her new bed had yet to arrive. She wiped at her face and found it wet with tears. She wiped them away with the sleeve of the flannel she had taken from her brother (they were comfy and she had donated all her old clothes since they no longer fit). 

She put on Cleo's jacket that had been set next to her head and focused on the words on the other side of the wall. "-why would this kid want most of the 2006 swim team and its coach dead?" That was her dad. 

"Isn't it obvious?" her brother asked. "Our swim team sucks. They haven't won in like six years!" Vic facepalmed at his answer. "Okay obviously we don't have a motive yet but I mean come on, does Harris?" 

She heard her dad sigh. "What do you want me to do?" 

"We need to look at the evidence," Scott said. Since when was he there?

"Yeah, that would be at the station," Noah told them. He paused for a second before he continued, "Where I no longer work." 

"Trust me, they'll let you in," Stiles promised. 

"Trust you?" his dad asked. 

"T-T-Trust Scott?" the boy scrambled. He jabbed a thumb towards his best friend, further indicating who Scott was. 

"Scott I trust," the man told them. They all turned to the door to see Vic in the threshold, rubbing the sleep from her left eye. 

"Why are you being loud?" she asked, her voice tired. Stiles looked at her with a kind of relief, Scott's expression more so held guilt. He knew she wasn't getting much sleep due to nightmares. He didn't want to wake her up from some much needed rest. 

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