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Warning: mentions of a mental institution, swearing, obviously, yelling loudly, mentions of injuries, grumbling in other languages, I think that's it

Scott McCall walked into his room to see his phone vibrating where it was charging. His brows furrowed at the sight, wondering who would be calling him this late at night. He walked over and picked it up. The second he did, the caller was sent to voicemail. He checked his notifications and found he had a dozen calls all from the same person. Fear shot through him like a lightning bolt.

The home screen lit up with a green button and the caller's contact info once more.

He pulled the device off its charger and pressed accept immediately.

"SCOTT GREGORIO MCCALL WHY THE HELL HAVEN'T YOU ANSWERED YOUR PHONE?" Vic roared into the speaker. He cringed and pulled the phone away from his ear slightly as she yelled.


"We don't have time for that," she interrupted. "Listen to me okay? Stiles and my dad left maybe ten minutes ago. Stiles is gonna sign himself into Eichen House."

"The mental institution?" Scott asked in shock.

"No, the nursery with the rainbow painted on the side, YES THE FUCKING MENTAL INSTITUTION!"

"Why didn't you stop him?" Scott asked. He grabbed his bike helmet and raced down the stairs. He vaguely heard Isaac ask where he was going before he was out the door.

"You think I didn't try?" she accused. "He wouldn't listen to me. I called hoping he might listen to you. I tried Lydia as well but her phone must be off or something cause it's not even ringing before it goes to voicemail."

"I'm on my way now," he told her. He hung up and stuffed his phone in his pocket. He started his bike and sped down the driveway, leaving a concerned and confused Isaac standing in the doorway of the house.

He went faster then the speed limit but he didn't care. Not when his best friend was going to sign himself into Eichen House. He curved corners, raced past the small amout of traffic. He forced his bike to go as fast as it could. He remembered the path from a few days ago when they came looking for Stiles here when he went sleepwalking.

He pulled up to the gates a second before Stiles and his dad arrived there themselves.

Scott basically dropped his bike and threw his helmet off before he rushed to Stiles. "Why didn't you tell me?" Scott demanded.

"Because we wanted to avoid something like this," Noah explained.

"It's only seventy two hours," Stiles reminded his friend.

"This is the same place Barrow came from," Scott protested. "The guy with the tumor flies inside of him." Stiles was quiet. Scott looked over to Noah who was holding the duffle bag now and said, "You don't know everything."

"I know enough. Nogitsunes, kitsunes, Oni, or whatever they're called," Noah listed.

Stiles looked at his father with pride in his tired eyes. "No, that was all surprisingly correct."

Noah sighed and turned back to the wolf. "Scott, I saw an MRI that looked like my wife's, and it terrifies me. Tomorrow I'm heading down to LA with Vic to talk to a specialist."

"Then why are you putting him in here?" Scott demanded.

"He's not," Stiles spoke up. "It was my decision."

Scott looked at his friend with betrayal and shock shining in his dark brown eyes. "Stiles, I can't help you while you're here."

"And I can't hurt you," Stiles replied.

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