2:30 Why Am I Here?

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Warnings: mentions of violence, mentions injuries, slight nudity, swearing (it's Coach people)

The easy part was tying up Peter using some of the crawler vines that grew on the pillars. The easier part was tying him to Vic's back so she could drag him through the tunnels. She made sure every rock they came across went over Peter's head.

The hard part was actually walking through the tunnels as a bear. It wasn't easy to manuver through the narrow doorways with her wide shoulders.

She was glad when she saw the tapestry that covered the entrance, even more so when she finally saw sunlight. She took a breath of fresh air that was greatly welcomed.

Hello again, the wind greeted.

She smiled. As much as she could when she was a bear, but still.

Then she noticed the extra vehicles, the men with the guns, and Araya Calavera.

Vic set her shoulders when Argent walked out from amoung the hunters. In one hand he held his silver handgun, in the other was her backpack of supplies. She wasn't sure whether to relax or tackle him to the sand.

"It's okay," Argent told the pack. "They're not gonna attack."

Vic snorted.

Argent went around her to see Peter, still knocked out and tied up. "Took care of him I see," Argent said. His eyes went to Scott. The alpha just shrugged. Araya walked over to Vic with a knife in her hand. Vic growled at her.

Stiles put a hand on her shoudler, try and help her calm down. In his other hand was her jacket, she didn't trust it with anyone else.

Araya walked around the two to Peter. She cut him out of the vines that held him to Vic, but not the ones that restrained him. Two other hunters grabbed the wolf and dragged him to the prison transport van. That was when Vic noticed Parrish stood near the back.

One of the hunters pulled out a syringe and stuck it in the werewolf before they chained him up and closed the door. Vic shrugged off the now loose vines so they tumbled to thr ground around her.

"There's enough yellow wolfsbane in Peter to keep him out for the trip back," Argent informed. "But I would be careful."

"You're really going with them?" Scott asked.

The man nodded. "I made a deal with the Calaveras weeks ago. They'll leave you alone, all of you alone. But only if I help them catch Kate."

"What if you can't?" Scott stressed.

"I'll find her. Someone has to." He turned to Vic and held the bag out for her. "You might need this."

She leaned forward and bit into the one strap. She turned around and walked behind the one foundation that was tall enough to have a bit of privacy. She put her bag down and shifted back to human. She opened her bag and pulled out her clothes.

She started getting dressed as she heard car engines start and leave the town.

"You almost done?" Liam's voice called.

She threw a rock over the wall. Based on the "ow" that followed, she had hit her mark. "Give me a second here Dunbar."

She tied up her sneakers last and walked out. Stiles handed her the jacket. She put it on and pulled out her necklace. She made sure that it was hooked properly. She looked up and noticed something, a new smell she didn't recognize before because of all the hunters. Derek Hale stood by a new car. He had on a new set of clothes and looked healthy. No, he looked alive, more then he had in the last few weeks.

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