2:24 You Made It?

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Warning: angst, gunfire, violence, Spanish words and probably bad translations. I'm sorry to all Spanish speaking people if I get this wrong, mentions of dead people, like quite a few of dead people

She didn't see the point in going to school the following day. But she went. Not that it made much difference if she was lying in her bed. She moved through the halls soundlessly, her classes were a haze. She couldn't even come up with anything to do in art class.

It was like she was going through those days in the hospital again. Bored, empty, her mind miles away from her body.

In the afternoon, she sat against her bed once more, her jacket, Cleo's jacket in her hands.

It wasn't the fact that they were gone, that had hit her a while ago, it was the reason why they died that made her like this. They didn't die because of the rain, or because the highway was busy that night.

They died because a hunter couldn't stop killing. Like Orion, Kate hunted down every animal she saw. Not just the wolves, or the lions, but the innocent rabbits and squirrels that sustained the environment. Even the wolf and lion cubs.

Their death was just another tick on her list to say she was able to. To say she could.

That was what hurt the most. She was still trying to process it all.

She was stunned by her phone going off (Stiles had given her his old one and helped her set it up). She expected it to be Mason or even Liam. But instead it was an unfamiliar combination of numbers. She pressed the accept button and held the device to her ear tentitavely.

"Hello?" she asked.

"Hello? Vic? Can you hear me?" A voice asked on the other end. The line was staticy and choppy. She could tell it was a male's voice but not much else.

"Who is this?" she questioned.

"Vic? It's Ethan. Can you hear me?" She managed to make out those words, though the next few were lost to the connection.

"Ethan? Ethan Steiner?" she asked, surprised.

"Yeah, it's me," he said. The connection was better now. "Sorry about that. Signal's always choppy in that room."

"Why didn't you call me sooner?" she asked.

"You said to call you when I got settled somewhere and I only just got settled," he told her. "I gotta say, your book helped a lot. I met Big Gary. I didn't expect him to be like... that."

"Yeah, he's really one of a kind, it's he? Hey, where are you?"

"I'm in London."

"London? Like London, England and not London, Ontario. Or like, London, Arkansaw?"

He laughed on the other end of the line. "No, I'm in London England."

"You made it?"

"Yeah, I made it."

"What's it like there?" She drew her legs up to her chest and se her chin on her knees.

"Rainy. And cold. It's so cold."

"What time is it there?"

"Eleven. I figured that it would be a good time to call since you just got off school, right?"

"Yeah, I got home like ten minutes ago."

"How are things over there? Has it gotten chaotic again, yet?"

"It's Beacon Hills. What do you think?"

He snorted in amusement. "Good point. What is it this time? Magical snow creatures that can freeze someone with a look?"

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