1:12 He's A Dumbass Isn't He?

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Warning: Swearing, hallucinations, underage drinking, dirty dancing (no not the Patrick Swayze movie), insecurities, food denial, me improvising a good amount of the chapter (what else is new though?).

She looked up from her work to see her brother run from his room to the kitchen. A minute later he walked out with a chocolate bar in hand. Vic reached over the back of the couch and took the candy from his hand. She set it beside her on the couch then returned to her work. 

"Vic," he whined. 

"Nope," she said. She didn't look up when she spoke, kept her eyes on her page. "You don't need anymore sugar. You've already had three Powerades added to your ADHD, you haven't taken your Adderall at all today, I can tell. You add more caffine or sugar to your system you'll be bouncing off the walls like Wiley Coyote hopped up on Helium." 

"Come on, I need some energy here," he begged. He went around to the front of the couch. He tried to reach for the chocolate but he got his hand slapped by Vic's pencil. He recoiled, cradling his hand with a hurt expression on his face. Vic rolled her eyes and moved the candy bar to her other side. 

"What do you need the extra energy for?" she asked. 

He looked down the hall to their dad's room where he was on the phone with someone before he leaned close to his sister and whispered, "I'm trying to solve the murders." 

"You don't need to do that," she told him. 

"Yes I do," he protested. "Dad got fired because of what I did. He's the best sheriff this town's ever had. I just- I need to do something right." 

"You do do things right," she said. He scoffed and looked away. She squished his cheeks and turned his face so he would look at her. "I mean it. Even when I was pissed at you, you still drove me to school, you did that before I was pissed at you, you visited me in the hospital, you help me with my homework. You do a lot of things right, even if you don't see them." 

"Can take your hand off my face?" he asked through the duck lips he was forced into. Vic removed her hand and went back to her work. "Are you doing homework during March Break?" he asked, his eyes scanning over the different pages.

"Yes because I'm incredibly behind since I didn't have any schooling past second grade," Vic said. "Half this stuff doesn't even make any sense. Why do you need this many rules about a language? It doesn't make any sense." 

"Yeah, grammer sucks," He agreed. He scooted over to help her out a bit. 

"Mischief," she said. 


"The murders?" she reminded him. 

"Shit right," he bolted up from his seat and ran down the hallway into his room. Vic laughed at his reaction. She continued working on her English homework. An empty sketchbook page on the coffee table promised a reward if she finished. She worked harder, maybe rushed through it, but she got it done. 

She picked up the sketchbook and got started on her drawing. She knew what she wanted to draw. It had been something that she saw in her mind every time that the sky got dark. Some were more beautiful then others, but she remembered the first one she saw at sea. Marcel on her right, Marie on her other side as they looked through the porthole of the ship. It was beautiful. Just the water, the sun and the sky. 

She looked up nearly an hour later when she was almost done. Her dad came down the hall with an exhausted look on his face. He managed a tired smile for her though. "What are you watching?" he asked as he sat next to her on the couch. 

Vic looked at the TV to see a sleek looking silver car race through an alley. "I'm not even sure," she admitted. "I've sort of been in my own world." She went to guide and put on an episode of NCIS. It was the first few minutes so they would be able to have all the information. 

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