2:22 Damage Control

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Warning: angst, a bit of fluff but not much, injuries, attempted murder, guns, mentions of a virus, mentions of dead people, yelling

She was warm when she woke up. That was the first thing she knew. Everything came back to her slowly. The well. Liam's wound. A broken rock. Black blood. A hook in the rope.

She slowly opened her eyes and found herself in her room. There was a note on her dresser. She took it and read it three times since she had just woken up.

'Had to go to the PSATs, I'll be back around 3 -Mischief'

She sat up and looked out the window. It was slightly open so the spring air pushed inside. She could hear the birds in their trees.

Wait a second.

The birds. She could hear the birds. She threw the blankets off her and ran to the window, opened it wider. The sound came through, crystal clear like music.

She sighed in relief. She made herself a promise to hug Deaton the next time she saw him. She ran to the kitchen and pulled the phone off the wall. She quickly dialled the vet clinic.

It rang about three times before he asnwered. "Hello?"

"Deaton, it's Vic, I don't know what was in that honey you gave me, but it worked!" she told him. "It worked, I can hear again and you better be ready for a hug the next time I see you."

"You might wanna hold off on the celebrations," Deaton said. "Something happened at the high school."

Vic felt any and all excitement leave her body instantly. "My brothers are there for the PSATs," she said.

"Yes, it seems this may be another assassination attempt," Deaton confirmed.

Vic cursed, colourfully in Spanish. "Okay, what can I do?"

"I'm going the hospital to meet Melissa." His voice was slightly distorted, like he was running around to get stuff.

"Can you pick me up then?" she asked.

"We'll be there in a few minutes," Deaton said.


He hung up before he answered.

Vic ran to her room and grabbed her notebook. Deaton pulled up in a black car with a distorted figure Vic couldn't make out in the passenger seat. She went in the back seat to see and before she could get her seatbelt on, Deaton started the car again.

"Vic, this is Satomi," Deaton intorduced. "Satomi, this is Victoria Stilinski."

The woman in the passenger seat turned around. She was a woman with Asian descent. Her jet black hair was pulled back into her hood and not a gray hair to be seen despite the numerous wrinkles around her eyes and mouth.

"Ma'am," Vic greeted.

"I've heard about you," Satomi said. "The grizzly, the first one to be known for centuries."

Vic nodded. "It was quite a shock to me too, ma'am."

"I am sorry about your pack, they were good people," Satomi sympathised.

"They were," Vic whispered. That was when she smelt it. The smell of death that came from the back of the car. She turned around and saw a black body bag that clearly had a body in it.

"He was a member of my pack," Satomi informed, noticing where the girl's attention was.

"What happened to him?" Vic asked.

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