3:31 They Were Siblings

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Warnings: injuries, talk about science (sort of), deliberate vagueness, mentions of dementia, not that much really

Lydia showed Scott and Malia Jake Sullivan's library ID. "It's a relic," she said. 

Malia's brows furrowed, confused. "What's a relic?" 

"An object with a fixed association to the past," Lydia explained, taking the card back. "Jake's ID was left behind after he was taken and Gwen found her sister's bracelet on the bathroom floor." 

Malia's confused expression deepened, not entirely understanding the conversation. "How can someone be erased and still leave something behind?" 

"Conservation of mass," Lydia said easily. "The total mass of any isolated object remains constant." 

Scott's eyes widened at what Lydia said. "So the Ghost Riders have a weakness." 

"A relic could prove that Stiles and Victoria existed," Malia continued. 

A smile spread on Scott's face as hipe shone in his eyes. "And we could bring them back." 

"Okay, so how do we find their relics?" Malia asked. 

Lydia pursed her lips. "I'll talk to Stilinski, ask if I can look through his house. See if I can find something there. There might be something for Stiles at least." 


The sheriff flipped Jake's ID in his hand, examined the picture of the sophmore. He looked at Lydia as the girl stood in the middle of his office. "You wanna search my house?" he summarised. 

"People are leaving things behind," Lydia stated. "So if Stiles left anything..." 

"Why would it be there?" he asked. 

"You can't just erase people," she continued. "They leave things behind." 

Noah sets Jake's ID on the desk, unconvinced of the girl's story. Lydia sighed, taking a few breaths. She knew that she'd find something on Stiles and Victoria at Stilinski's house. She wasn't sure why. She was just following a feeling. 

"I couldn't sleep last night," Noah began. "So I got up to do some paper work. The files were in the back of the car so I went to the garage and something flied off the shelf. I stubbed my toe on a baseball bat. Without thinking, I yelled a name." 

"Stiles," Lydia said. 

The man nodded. "I have to stay here for a few more hours, but if you can figure out what's going on, if this Stiles has something to do with it... Then you let me know." 

Lydia nodded, determination clear in her eyes. 


Lydia sighed, dropped the box. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. She looked at the pictures along the stone mantle. Each one was of Claudia and Noah through the years. They looked...happy. 

She felt a pang in her chest, a famliar ache. Was she happy like this with Stiles? Had they gone out before? Kissed before? She wanted to know. She didn't want to be alone anymore. 

"Something I can do to help?" 

Lydia spun around, slightly shocked at the voice that interrupted her thoughts. Claudia stood in the doorway of the dining room, a nervous expression on her face. She clearly wasn't on board with letting a teenager look through her home. 

"No," Lydia answered, with an innocent smile to calm down the woman. "Thanks, Mrs. Stilinski." 

Claudia nodded. "Well good luck. I'll leave you to it." With that, she walked back into the adjoining kitchen. 

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