3:18 You Thinking What I'm Thinking?

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Warnings: mentions of a mental instituion, dead people, carnage, slight fire, swearing

Vic knew Stiles wouldn't let her come when he heard that the Beast was out on a rampage on the police radio he had. So she did the only thing that came to mind, it had worked before. She climbed in the trunk of Roscoe and hid there.

She fully expected to be caught once Scott climbed in, with the extra senses and stuff. And she was right. But it wasn't until they were on the highway did Scott say anything. It was either he decided not to say anything or he didn't notice until then.

"Vic's at home then?" the alpha asked.

Stiles was quiet before she heard him sigh. "She's in the trunk, isn't she?"

Vic climbed over the back seats. "Correction: was."

"Vic, what the hell are you doing?" Stiles asked. He looked at her in the rearview mirror, his nostrils flared.

"I knew you wouldn't let me come," she shrugged, leaning forward in the middle seat to poke her head in the middle. "I may be a grizzly, Mischief, but I was raised by a fox."

"You know you could die from this thing," he pointed out.

"I know," she told him.

Stiles turned onto a different street, a half dozen cop cars ahead of them. They were chasing something. Stiles pressed harder on the gas to keep up. Before anything more could be said, the radio between the seats beeped alive. "Unit Five heading northwest on Crescent reporting an incredibly large...something." Vic recognised the voice of Deputy Clark, Hayden's sister.

"Unit Nine to Dispatch, I think I've got eyes on the same thing," another deputy reported. "Some kind of rabid animal."

The three locked eyes. The Beast.

"Unit Five to Nine, trust me that's no animal," Clark said.

"Unit Six to Dispatch, we have a situation downtown," a third voice said. "Multiple fatalities."

"Copy, medics on the way," Dispatch replied. "Do you have a prep, Unit Six?"

"Negative," Unit Six replied. "Looks like a 10-91E. Animal attack."

"10-4, can you say what kind of animal?" Dispatch asked.

Stiles grabbed the speaker and spoke into it. "All units, stay back. Do not engage. I repeat, do not engage."

"Stiles, get off the radio!" their dad shouted. He looked at the two, a kind of, I tried, look, but put the speaker down anyway. "All units alert, wait for back up," the sheriff advised. "Repeat, no one goes near this thing."

"Unit Five reporting a sighting on Hill Road, southbound," Clark said.

"Unit Nine, I've got it turning off Oakridge, southbound on Beachwood," Unit Nine reported. Cordova.

Hill road, Oakridge, where the hell was this thing?

"All units, this is Dispatch," the deputy said. Vic recognised the voice immediately. Dan the Donut Man. "We've got a 911 call with additional sighting on Mitchell."

"Wait a second? Beachwood to Mitchell?" Stiles asked.

"It's headed for the hospital," Scott said, his eyes wide.

"Shit," Vic said. She pulled out her phone and immediately called Melissa. Stiles picked up the speaker and told their dad, but Vic was focused on her call.

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