1:3 And That's Basically It

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Warnings: Mentions of a homicidal werewolf killing people, mentions of drunkness, mentions of break ups. A REALLY short chapter that I could not make any longer. 

He took a breath and walked into the hospital. He still didn't like the place. The chairs were unreasonably uncomfortable. But it also gave him flashbacks of his mom dying, losing herself, getting confused and imagining things. It wasn't a good point in his life. 

But he had a new reason now. 

He walked up to the nurses station and Melissa sent him a small smile. 

"Hey kiddo," she greeted. "You here to visit?" He always liked Melissa, she so nice to him when he was younger and the woman became like a second mom to him after his own passed on. 

Stiles nodded. 

"Well you know where she is," Melissa said. The woman pointed the pen in her hand to the elevator at the end of the hall. 

He gave her a genuine smile. "Thanks, Melissa. You're not still mad about last night are you?" 

Last night, Melissa had gone out on a date with Peter Hale. As in the psycho alpha werewolf that bit Scott that eventually turned him and was murdering everyone. He even killed his own niece so he could have her power. The power of an alpha werewolf. 

So of course Scott called Stiles to help him make sure his mom was safe. Stiles had sacrificed his Jeep's front bumper when he rammed into the back of Peter's car. He wasn't even sorry. As long as Melissa was safe. 

That was also the night he got his dad drunk so he could learn more about the people Peter killed. Turns out they all played a part in the fire that destoryed the Hale house six years ago. But his didn't know that it was Peter that was doing this. 

He thought it was Derek Hale, Peter's nephew and a werewolf himself. Scott had said Derek killed those people in a moment of panic when Stiles, Scott, Scott's (now ex)girlfriend Allison, Lydia Martin (Stiles's longtime crush), and Jackson Whittemore (Lydia's boyfriend, now ex-boyfriend) were all trapped in the high school, terrorised by the alpha himself. 

But then his dad started talking about his mom and Vic. He never talked about them. He reached for more whiskey. He drank when he thought of them and Stiles knew his dad hated himself when he drank so he moved the bottle out of reach.

Which had prompted him to be here now, about to talk to his comatose little sister. 

Right now, Melissa sighed. "I'm trying not to be." 

"Yeah, I'll let you work on that then," Stiles said. He quickly walked down the hall to the elevator and hit the button for the second floor. He let out a breath and hit his head against the elevator doors. Stiles and Scott had both agreed that it was better if neither of their parents know. They were safer that way. He straightened up quickly when the elevator dinged a second later. He took a second to regain his composure and walked down the hall to his sister's room. 

He reached Vic's door and took a second before he walked in. She didn't look any different than a few days ago. There was a little more colour in her face because of the drugs but she still looked like she would sleep forever. 

He walked over, sat in the chair beside her bed and carefully held her hand. "Hey Vic," he whispered. "It's- it's Mischief. I-I'm not sure if you can hear me, but I'm just gonna talk anyway, okay? I'm just, I just feel like I need to talk to someone, you know? And well, you haven't been here in a while so I figured I'd catch you up." 

So he told her everything. Everything she had missed out on. 

His crush on Lydia Martin he hid from her back then, her and Jackson Whittmore, the lacrosse captain, getting together instead, his ten year plan to get her to fall for him, how the power couple recently breaking up. He and Scott worked hard to join the lacrosse team and even though they were benchwarmers freshman year they were still on the team, how they were both first line now and how Scott was co-captain. He told her how Scott was doing, how he was better at controlling his asthma, how his Dad had abandoned him and Melissa because of his drinking. He told her about the new girl, Allison Argent, how she quickly became Scott's crush, then girlfriend, and then ex-girlfriend. How Stiles was making no progress in the relationship department.

Of course he filtered out the supernatural stuff though. He wasn't gonna risk her hearing about it. No need to bombard her with the existence of werewolves when she was fighting for her life. But he still filled her in the best he could. 

".... And that's basically it," he finished. He took a breath and looked at her. Her face was blank. He pulled out his phone and his eyes went wide. 5:30 blinked at him from the screen. He had been talking for a while then. 

"I, um, I better get going," Stiles told her. "I promised Dad I'd be home for supper, so I better go. I'll be back soon. It just feels better now that I talked to you. Or at you I guess." He chuckled nervously and rubbed his neck. "I'll be back soon, promise." 

With that, he stood up and walked out of the room. He never saw her hand reach out for his after he left, never heard her voice rasp out the single word, "Mischief." 

He walked out of the hospital feeling lighter, knowing he had gotten a bunch of stuff off his chest. 

But not everything, a part of his head whispered. He pushed the part aside. He didn't need to think like that. It didn't anyone. It definitely didn't help Vic. 

A/N: Okay, so since I missed out on season one I figured I'd catch you all up on what's been going on. This literally felt like a Previously on Teen Wolf segment. This takes place after Co-Captain, although I'm not entirely too sure on when it's set exactly. 

This chapter is mainly on Stiles missing his sister, next chapter will be in Code Breaker, season one finale. You'll see what happens then. 

Okay, I'll see you in the next chapter. 

See you later, wolves. 

(I'm trying out a sign off, tell me what you think). 

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