1:17 Some People Are Just Utterly Stupid

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Warning: Anxiety, slight mentions of girl stuff, swearing, this entire chapter is AU scenes of Vic's adventures between season two and three, so there's no real script to this.

On Saturday, Vic waited for Lydia's blue Toyota while on the couch with her brother, Star Wars on the TV (Episode IV: A New Hope). It probably wasn't a good descision to go somewhere with someone she barely knew, but her instincts said that she could trust the girl. Besides, she figured Lydia needed the distraction with all that happened in the past week.

Somehow, Jackson came back to life. His body was missing, but then he walked into the hospital, perfectly healthy. And completely naked. When Noah told her this, she nearly choked on her orange juice (Yes this happened over breakfast). She had no idea how the boy had managed to do that. Neither did the doctors. Stiles had a look of fake surprise when he heard, like he had already known.

She didn't call him out on it.

He had his secrets, she had hers. It was a silent agreement that if the siblings wanted the other to know, they would tell them. If not, they wouldn't press into it.

She was pulled from her thoughts when she saw Lydia's car park on the curb outside the house. Vic stood up and stretched. "Okay, I'm gonna head out with Lydia. If I'm not back by sundown it's cause I died from her dragging me to so many stores," she told her brother. She put on her jacket and shoes as she spoke.

Stiles didn't even look up from his movie. "Have fun," he called, his mouth full of popcorn.

She rolled her eyes and walked out. She climbed into the passenger seat of Lydia's car with a quick smile in the girl's direction. As soon as she had her seatbelt on, Lydia started the car. "Okay, what form of toture do you wish to force upon me first?" Vic asked with an innocent smile on her face.

Lydia rolled her eyes. "It's shopping. It's not torture." She turned off their suburbian road and in the direction of downtown, to the mall.

"Potato, potato," the younger girl shrugged off. "So where we going?"

"The mall," Lydia answered. "We need to get you a few good pairs of underwear first."

"Um, okay," Vic said, taken back. "Can, is it okay if we don't go to Victoria Secret?"

"Why?" Lydia asked, confused.

"Well, Victoria in Victoria's Secret, that's just a bit much don't you think?"

Lydia's only response was a laugh.


Lydia's Toyota returned to the house in the middle of the afternoon. The strawberry blonde brought thirteen bags into the house, all from different stores. Vic held five. She hid the one from the drug store in with the Old Navy bag, hoping it was covered so the males in the house wouldn't see it and ask about it.

Stiles was in his room, but came out when he heard the door open. His eyes bugged out of his head when he saw the amount of paper bags.

"How much money did you spend?" he asked.

"I honestly lost track," Vic admitted. "And I don't wanna ask because then I'll feel guilty that I wasted her money."

"You didn't waste it," Lydia protested. "I'm happy to do this."

"Still doesn't make me feel better," Vic countered. She moved her way through the living room to her bedroom so she could stash away the bag from the drug store. And put away the clothes. But mostly the first thing.

"Stiles," Lydia said in a quieter voice. The boy immediately perked up and walked a little closer. "Does Vic know about the..." She trailed off, not quite sure how to say it, since she was new to all of this herself.

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