3:29 What The Hell Is A Stiles?

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Warnings: mentions of Ghost Riders, deliberate vagueness, me having no plan for this chapter, I'm sorry

Scott looked around. Something wasn't right. It felt like... there was something there with them. But he couldn't figure out what. 

"Did you feel that?" he asked Liam, who was a few feet away from him. 

"Feel what?" Liam asked. 

The alpha strained his ears, searching for what he heard before. The thunder on the ground, the crack of...something. But it wasn't there. "Thought I heard something...." he muttered. He shook his head, pushing the thought away. "Forget it, alright. Let's keep going." 

Liam sighed, loosening the grip on his lacrosse stick. It was late at night, the two at the lacrosse field to get a bit of practice in before tryouts the next day. "Or we could call it," the beta suggested. 

Scott shook his head. "We gotta work on your backshots." 

Liam's brows furrowed in confusion. "Why?" 

"Liam, they suck," Scott pointed out. 

The younger boy looked genuinely offended. "What do you mean?" 

Scott chuckled softly. "Your backshots. Which suck." 

Liam narrowed his eyes. He scooped a ball from the pile and twisted his body, executing a backshot that went straight past Scott who was supposed to be the goalie. Scott turned back, only to see another backshot and another ball hit the back of the net. And another. And another. 

"Okay, I was wrong," Scott admitted. "I must've been thinking about someone else." 

"Yeah, maybe someone who actually deserves to be captain," Liam said, twisting his stick anxiously. 

"You'll make it," Scott said, no doubt in his voice. 

The lights across the field slowly went off. One at a time, throwing the field into darkness. Which would make it hard for the two to continue their practice. 

"Well we'll have to go now," Liam said, slightly relieved. 

Scott turned back to his beta, a smirk on his lips. His irises shone alpha red, the supernatural eyes letting him see in the dark. Liam huffed slightly before he shone his own golden eyes, continuing their practice. 

Their practice continued until Liam suddenly stopped. The ball in his net fell to the grass, a faraway look in his eyes. Scott followed his line of sight to the school, then back to his beta. "What's wrong?" he asked. 

"Something's happening to Mason," Liam said, an urgency in his voice. He dropped the stick and ran to the school, Scott following. They raced down the halls, listening and following the heartbeat that was coming from the library. 

They burst inside, and looked around. Mason suddenly came from the shadows, a fire extinguisher in hand, about to hit Scott. But he stopped himself in time.  Corey was right behind him, holding a chair. 

"They were here," Mason said. He lowered the fire extinguisher as Corey set the chair down. "The Ghost Riders." 

"Here?" Scott asked. "Just now?" Was that what he heard out on the field? 

"I thought they left when the storm left," Liam said, confused. The sky had been perfectly clear for the past week. 

"I guess not," Mason said. He gestured up to the balcony. "Because two of them, were right up there." 

"What were they doing?" Scott asked. 

"We didn't see when they came in," Mason said, gesturing to himself and his boyfriend. "We only saw them when we turned invisible." 

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