2:2 My Brother Is A Dumbass

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Warnings: mentions of a bomb, mentions of blood and an attack on minors, swearing obviously, a jump scare

Mason walked out from the bus and saw a powder blue Jeep parked in the school parking lot. Huh. That was new. Usually he was there before Vic and her brother. He walked over to the school sign, their meeting place, but she wasn't there. Okay that was definitely weird. Vic always met him here.

He looked around, trying to find his friend, nothing.

She could be inside, it was Mischief Day after all. He knew how much Vic and her brother loved the holiday. It was the day before Halloween and kids always played pranks on teachers. It was tradition on Beacon Hills, like how the younger kids all put on costumes and go trick-or-treating the next day.

He froze when he heard something on the side of the sign. Like claws scraping against stone. He looked over to check it out but there was nothing besides a few autumn leaves. He furrowed his brows and turned around. He jumped back and grabbed onto the school sign for support.

Stood in front of him was a girl in a leather jacket but the part that made him jump was the wolf mask on her face. The wolf's lips were pulled back showing a set of sharp teeth that had a few drops of red on them.

A second later the girl burst out into laughter. She keeled over and held her sides as she laughed.

Mason clutched his chest as he tried to catch his breath. "Were you trying to give me a heart attack?" he asked.

Her laughter continued but she took off the mask. "Oh come on, Fílos. You scared of a little werewolf?" Vic shook the mask in his face, showing off the plastic fur.

"I thought you said you were just pranking the teachers," he said.

"Hey, I never said just," she protested. She started walking towards the school and he followed beside her. "I said I was pranking the teachers, but I never said I was just pranking the teachers."

"What's with the wolf mask though?" he asked.

Vic shrugged. "I just thought it might be ironic, you know? All these animal attcks, it would be a bit funny if there was a werewolf in Beacon Hills."

The two walked in the doors. Vic pulled Mason to the side as a waterballoon hit right where he was a second ago.

"Thanks," he breathed out, watching as the red paint dripped down the door.

"No problem," she told him. The two walked down the hall to Vic's locker. She opened it but took a step back. A bunch of golf balls fell out of the locker.

"Golf balls?" Mason asked, confused.

"I actually don't know on that one," she told him. She pushed the extra golf balls out and opened her backpack. She put a whoopee cushion and a pack of balloons inside. She looked down the hall and closed her locker.

Mason looked over and saw Vic's brother and his friend at the doors.

"Hey, Scotty!" Vic yelled. The boy with the uneven jaw looked over. Vic flung the wolf mask at him like it was a frizbee. He caught it and looked at it confused. Stiles took it and a smile grew on his face.

"Thanks, Vic!" Stiles called.

"No problem," she called back.

"What does your brother need with a wolf mask?" Mason asked.

"Scare his geometry teacher," she explained. "Now come on, I wanna get to class before Madam Turner does."

Mason walked beside her with a smile on his face. She seemed so happy, like the stuff with the Dealers never happened. It was like she was an eight year old kid again, ready to egg her math teacher's house on Mischief Day.

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