2:29 And You Just Jinxed Us

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Warning: injuries, violence it's Teen Wolf people, snarkiness I guess, blood, nudity 

Vic bobbed her head along to the song on the radio as she waited for her brother to come out of the station. It was some song from a Top 30's list, she was only half paying attention. Stiles walked back out to the Jeep with a frustrated look on his face. He climbed into the driver's seat with an angry huff. 

"He said no," Vic guessed. 

"Worse," Stiles said. "He said we'd go through the proper channels." 

She snorted in amusement. "But we're still going," she stated. 

"Yeah." Stiles turned the ignition on the Jeep and sped out of the parking lot of the station. 


Vic pulled out a sweater from Scott's closet and sniffed it. 

"Fabric softener," Malia said from where she held one of Scott's t-shirts. 

"Same here," Vic said, throwing the clothing back. She didn't even care that it fell onto his floor. 

Stiles ran into Scott's bathroom. The two girls followed him. Stiles dug through the hamper and pulled out a pair of boxers. They both looked from him to the underwear in disgust. 

"Remember Scott's life is on the line," Stiles reminded. 

"Easier ways to do this, Mischief," Vic said. She went to Scott's bed and picked up a pillow. She sniffed it. Gotcha. She tossed the pillow to Malia who sniffed it then held it up for Stiles to see. 

"Yeah, that works too," Stiles said. He threw the boxers back in the hamper. Malia put the pillow back but still held the pillow case. The three ran down the stairs to find Liam in the kitchen. 

Stiles turned to his sister. "Did you know he was here?" 

She shrugged. "I heard his heartbeat, thought it was Melissa." 

Stiles sighed and turned back to the kitchen. "Liam, go home. You're not coming with us." 

"Why not?" Liam whined. "Vic's going." 

"I have more experience in this kind of stuff," Vic said. "Plus, I'm not going unarmed." She unzipped her jacket, which fell to a few inches below her butt, to reveal the knife strapped to her jeans, completely covered by her jacket. 

"You're going up against a Berserker with a single knife?" Liam asked. 

Vic smiled. "You haven't seen my big move yet, have you?" Liam shook his head confused. 

"You're not going because it's a full moon," Stiles added. "And I don't feel like driving all the way down to Mexico just to have you rip my throat out." 

"You can lock me up, right?" Liam asked. "Chain me down to the back seat or something." 

"You tore through the last chains, remember?" Malia reminded him. 

"Yeah we would have to freeze you in carbonite to get you down there," Stiles exaggerated. 

"Okay then where do we get carbonite?" Liam asked. 

Vic facepalmed and ran her hand down her face. Malia looked at the siblings with an expectant look on her face. Stiles squinted his eyes at the beta. 

"Seriously? You haven't seen it either?" Stiles asked. He turned to Vic. "How are you friends with him?" 

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