3:13 Just Go

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Warning: violence, needles, medical equiment, injuries, dying, major character death, angst, swearing (Vic)

She didn't know where she was. Again. It was a bit exhausting honestly. She was in a forest, she knew that much. But the trees were different species then Californian ones she was used to. There was snow on the ground as well. Something that definitely didn't happen in California. The sun was hidden by the gray wintery sky. It was like she was in a movie or something. 

 She looked over as a woman walked into the clearing. She couldn't see the woman's face as it was hidden by shadows of the forest. A long rod of wood leaned against the woman's shoulder with a fleur de lis at the top. The woman herself wore a dress that looked like something from a hundred years ago. A long skirt, a loose sleeved white shirt and some kind of cover at the front. There was blood on her sleeves and skirt. But Vic saw the curly brown hair that fell around her shoulders. 

The woman walked on as if she couldn't see the girl. Then again, maybe she wasn't. Her dreams were weird sometimes. 

She looked back through the trees to where the woman came from. She saw a clearing, the snow turning red from the blood of a man that laid dead in the snow. 

She walked over to the man's body. She grabbed his shoulder to turn his face towards her. 

She cried out as she felt a hot, searing pain in her chest. She screamed, cried out, yelled, roared in pain. She felt hands holding her down. Her silver knife was in her hand. Her other hand was empty. She gripped something metal that she was laying on. 

The pain lessened and she calmed down. She eased up on her grip as the pain vanished. She relaxed into the surface she laid on. It was cold. It was metal. Illuminum, probably. Her breathing evened out and she fell asleep again. 

This time, it was nothing but blackness. That didn't matter to her. It was pain free. 


Scott found a cot in the back room and set it up for Vic. He moved the girl onto the small matress. He tried to take her knife from her, afraid she would hurt herself in her sleep with the blade in her hand. But her grip was like iron. He even used his werewolf strength but she wouldn't let go. So he let her have it. He pulled the blanket up to her neck. She cuddled into the small warmth. 

He turned back to the metal table where his mother was setting up an IV for Hayden who now laid on the metal table. 

"What's that?" Liam asked as the woman opened a cooler. 

"It's called chelation therapy," Melissa explained. "It removes heavy metals from the blood. But the problem is, is that can injure the kidneys and Hayden only has one to begin with so..." She took Hayden's hand and injected the needle into the back of her hand. The girl winced as it entered her skin. 

Liam gripped Melissa's wrist. "Hey, you're hurting her," he protested. 

"And you're hurting me," Melissa pointed out. 

Scott looked over, silently telling Liam to let go. The younger boy looked surprised at his actions and let go. "Sorry," he said quietly. 

"Hey, guys," Theo said. "Remember, we're here to save a life. Not kill each other." 

"It's the full moon," Scott stated. "We can feel it even during the day." 

"And it's a Supermoon," Theo added. 

"What is that supposed to make you guys like super strong? Super agrgessive?" Melissa asked. She moved as she spoke, hanging the bag of fluid from the IV stand. 

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