3:26 You Got Some Sucking Up To Do

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Warning: mention of injuries, mentions of trauma, swearing, Star Wars spoilers (minor but still), fluff, me desperately trying to fill in the pages because I don't have any ideas for this chapter. Enjoy

The bandages were no longer nescessary, so she took them off, let them fall onto the counter in the bathroom. The wound on her shoulder was no more then a line now. The bruises were fading back to the original colour of her skin.

She ran her fingers over the mark, her eyes on the reflection in the mirror. It would scar, but she didn't mind. Not with that scar. Not when Theo fucking Raeken was finally gone.

She turned around and stared at the girl in the mirror. The one that had been through so much. The one that needed a haircut. She wanted to see her eyes, even the small amount she barely had. She wanted to see her colour, the one that belonged to her.

She pulled on her supernatural side, her bear, pushed it, prodded it to wake up. To show itself. To open its eyes.

The rings outside her iris glowed, a small campfire ignited behind her eyes. The colour wasn't as bright as before, didn't overtake her entire iris, push the pupil away with the light. But it was there. It was beautiful. It was something.

"Oh, God!" There was a thud, then the sound of frantic footsteps down the hallway. "I am so sorry."

"You're safe, Mischief," she called into the hallway. "I still have a bra on."

"Still not something I wanna see," he said.

She rolled her eyes and grabbed her jacket from the counter. She put it on and zipped it up to her collarbones. Her wire necklace sat at the edge of the material. "All clear."

His head slowly appeared in the threshold, a hand covering his eyes. She rolled her eyes and slapped his hand down. "You're a cházos, you know that?"

"Well I would prefer not to see my little sister practically naked," he said.

She sighed. "Mischief, I have sweats on. You're overexaggerating, again."

He went to shoot a comeback when his eyes fell on the item that covered the counter. His face went pale, eyes distant and unfocused.


Vic swept them up and threw them into the garbage. "Mischief, it's okay, they're gone now. It's not real."

He gripped the counter, his knuckles white and took a deep breath. His eyes were closed, his breathing even.

"I'm right here, Mischief. You're not there. You're here with me." She didn't touch him, didn't dare do anything to make it worse. But kept her voice calm, tried to drag him back from the depts of his mind and memories.

"Tell me your favourite Star Wars movie," she said. "Tell me which one you like."

"Empire Strikes Back," he answered.

"Why's it your favourite?"

"H-Han and Leia arguing," he said, his grip on the counter loosening. "The... the I love you. Yoda being sassy to Luke."

"Like when he made Luke give him a piggy back ride?" Vic asked.

Stiles nodded and opened his eyes. He licked his lips, took another breath. "Thanks for that."

She shrugged. "No matter how much we argue, or how much you annoy me, I always have your back. You know that. Same for Lydia."

He looked at her confused, before his features molded to realisation. "She told you?"

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