1:11 Rule 39, There Is No Such Thing As Coincidence

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Warnings: Angst, food deprivation, sass and humor, a bit of fluff at the end. So, nothing that major really.

It had been two days since Stiles's apology, and the siblings had brought their dad supper at the sheriff's station, since he had a night shift. The sheriff's office had windows that showed the bullpen and the parking lot with wood paneling around the lower parts of the walls and a lot of filing cabinets.

Vic opened the flap that held her burger hostage and licked her lips. The smell of the restruant filled her nostrils, mixed with the smell of the sheriff's station. Old papers, bad coffee, wood and the faint smell of dogs. She loved it. It always gave her a sense of home.

She licked her lips and attacked the double patty burger. She wasn't used to the taste, but she didn't mind. Food was food. It was better then what she got with the Dealers. She was getting more weight, but she was still think compared to the kids at school.

She watched her dad bite into his own burger and recoil at the taste. "Ugh, what the hell is this?" he asked as he dropped the food back into the cardboard.

Stiles looked up from the takeout bag where he was digging for his own food. "Veggie burger," he answered.

"Stiles, I asked for a hamburger," the man complained.

"Well veggie is healthier, we're being healthy," the boy insisted. He showed his dad his own salad he had gotten.

Noah looked over at Vic who had half of the burger gone already. "And your chicken burger?" he asked.

Vic chuckled. "Veggie burger," she answered through the food in her mouth.

He roller his eyes and opened the container he assumed held his curly fries. Instead he was greeted by carrots and celery sticks. "Oh hell, are you trying to ruin my life?" he whined.

Stiles looked up from his food. "I'm trying to extend your life," Stiles corrected. Vic licked away the grease she had gotten on her fingers and her lips. "Just, eat it, and tell me what you found."

"No, I'm not sharing confidential police work with a teenager," Noah protested.

"Um, I'm still here," Vic said as she raised a hand to notify them to her presence.

Stiles stared in amazement at her empty hands and container. "Did you eat that entire thing in thirty seconds?" he asked.

"Yes," she answered. She shrugged off their shocked looks and reached for her container of veggies. "Old habits. Back then you either ate fast or you didn't eat at all."

They both got quiet, like they always did when she mentioned the Dealers. They didn't quite know what to say. Stiles coughed to break the awkward tension. He pointed to the corkboard behind their dad. "Is that it on the board behind you?" he asked.

Vic looked up with a carrot half in her mouth to what her brother was pointing at. Pinned to the board were numerous crime scene photos, arrows, suspects, victims, and other photos that covered the board.

"Don't look at that," her dad said, "Avert your eyes." Stiles still looked. Noah raised his arms to cover his son's view, but Stiles moved his head around the limbs. Vic obeyed her dad's words and looked outside.

"Okay," Stiles agreed. He still continued to look.

"Hey!" Noah exclaimed, his voice sterner.

"I-I-It's just," Stiles said. He moved his head around to see the different pieces of evidence. "I see arrows pointing at pictures-"

"Okay, okay, stop," Noah gave up. Vic smiled at her family's antics and turned back to the two. "Fine, I found something. The mechanic and the couple that were murdered, they all had the same thing in common.

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