2:19 You Had To Jinx Us

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Warnings: language, full moon, angry Liam, chains, slight injuries but not that much, mentions of kidnapping, scars, mentions of old injuries

No response.

How did she get no response? That just didn't make sense to her. She had texted Liam like forty times.

Vic had been pacing in her room when she decided it was time to go. She stepped out and saw her dad walk from her brother's room with a blank look on his face.

"Dad? What's wrong?" she asked.

"Don't go in Stiles's room," he said.

"Why not?" she asked.

"Just don't."

So, naturally she went to go see what was going on. Sat on Stiles's bed was Malia and Stiles. The chains they used for the full moons were on the bed as well. One of the leather bands were around Malia's wrist. Vic smiled when she realized how her dad must've seen it.

Malia looked to the doorway at the sound of her heartbeat, causing Stiles to look over too.

"It's not what you think," he defended.

"Well Stiles to me it looks like you're helping Malia get ready for the full moon tonight, what does it look like to you?" Vic asked, an innocent look on her face.

Malia turned back to her boyfriend with an expectant expression.

Stiles opened and closed his mouth a few times before he narrowed his eyes at Vic. "You're doing this on purpose, aren't you?"

"Oh, yeah, definiately," Vic said. "Come on, we gotta get to school."

"Why do you wanna go to school?" Malia asked. She removed the leather band from her wrist and climbed off the mattress.

"Liam hasn't replied back to any of my texts so I wanna see if Mason knows something," Vic explained.

"Why not just text Mason?" Malia wondered.

"Because after I told him that his best friend broke one of his bones he hasn't even been reading my texts," Vic said. "I think this is one of the first times he's ever actually been mad at me."

"It'll work out," Stiles promised.

She let out a breath. "I hope so."


Good news: Mason wasn't mad at her. Yay!

The two had just met by the school sign when Vic saw Liam. He looked okay so she let out a sigh of relief.

That of course was immediately replaced by confusion. How was he at school? His leg had to have been a sprain at least. His mom was the kind to keep her child in bed for a week after a scraped knee. Also, how was he standing? His leg seemed perfectly fine but.... Was that a bandage that peeked out of his shirt sleeve?

She motioned to the boy with her chin. Mason looked just as confused as she did. The two walked over to him. "Hey, Liam!" Mason called. The boy turned around, panting. He looked at Vic like she would suddenly stab him.

"Why weren't you on the bus?" Mason continued.

"I ran," Liam shrugged.

"You ran three miles?" Vic asked. "Okay, better question, how are you not on crutches right now? You couldn't even stand yesterday. And what the hell happened to your arm?"

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