2:12 Yeah, That's Malia

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Warnings: angst and fluff, you'll be able to tell where, nothing too big. Wow, this is boring

"Nope, no, no way, you're wrong," Vic argued. 

"I'm not wrong here," Mason protested. 

"Yes you are, you're majorly wrong," Vic told him. 

"Come on, Vic, I'm right on this one," Mason complained. 

"No, no, there is no way Greedo shot first. Han shot him before he could even shoot, Greedo's  shot went into the wall beside Han, so Greedo didn't shoot him at all. Come on, fílos, every Star Wars fan should know this." 

"If you watch the movie-" 

"No, screw the movie, I'm talking about the original version," Vic told him. They turned down the main hall. Vic froze when she saw who came down the hallway. Mason froze beside her, following her gaze. 

"Vic?" Mason asked. 

His voice lifted her out of her shock. She bolted down the hall into the arms of her sister. 

"Lia, you're here, you're here, you're here!" Vic exclaimed. 

"Vikki, bear strength," Malia gasped out. 

Vic's eyes widened. She immediately released Malia but didn't go too far. "Oh, my god, I'm so sorry," Vic apologised. "Wait, why are you here? Are you going to school here now?" 

Malia nodded. "It took a lot of convincing but my dad agreed to let me come. You being here definitely helped." 

"Well I'm glad I could help," Vic told her. 

"Stilinski!" Coach yelled. Vic jumped a little at his voice. "Save your love for after I'm done my tour." 

"Copy that," Vic said. "I'll see you later, okay? We have a lot to talk about." 

Malia nodded and followed Coach down the hall. 

Mason walked over and stood beside his friend as Vic watched her sister with a smile on her face. 

"So, that's Malia?" he asked. 

Vic nodded. "Yeah, that's Malia." 


Ethan zipped up the last bag. That was it, that was everything. He had no reason to stay in Beacon Hills. Everywhere he went he was ust reminded of his brother. 

His twin. 

HIs dead twin. 

He slung the bag over his shoulder and turned to the doorway. He froze when he saw the person in the doorway. 

"I hope you weren't leaving without saying good-bye," Vic said. 

"Was planning on it," he admitted. "What are you doing here, Vic? We barely know each other. You threatened to kill me. More then once." 

"Friends don't normally do that?" she asked, confused. 

Ethan shook his head. 

"Well, despite all our history, I heard that you don't really have a plan on where you wanna go," she said. 

He shrugged. "I've seen a lot of America with the pack. Figured I'd try another country. Maybe England." 

Vic straightened from where she leaned against the doorway and walked over. "Well, if you're just going there without a plan, then you might need a few people you can call."

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