3:22 Fílos

111 5 2

Warning: violence, mentions of trauma, Theo Raeken, injuries, blood, mentions of death, supernatural stuff, swearing, swearing in other languages (maybe)

She wasn't used to being pushed this hard. The strain on her lungs was enough to almost make her pass out. But she made herself keep pushing. 


Oh God, was he scared? Nervous? Did he even know what was inside him? Probably not. 

The thought pushed her faster. 

When the Beast remembers the teenager inside is dead. 

She wouldn't let him. Not Mason. Not her best friend. Her brother. Her Fílos

You need to stop, the wind said. 

She ignored the advice. Mason. Maybe he was out here, alone, confused. She didn't know. And that terrified her. 

We won't be able to help him if we're burnt out. 

She forced herself to stop. It wasn't the wind that said that. It was her, when Stiles had been possesed by the nogitsune. The same logic applied here. She couldn't help him if she was unable to help herself. 

She looked around, confused. Um, why am I here? she thought. She had been running through the warehouse district, the backsides of the ironworks and the old car factories. Now she was deep in the middle of the woods. She took stock of the trees around her, the way the trail went. 

I know this place, she thought. She walked through the trees and over the dead trees. She walked around a curved tree to see a bridge over a small creek. 

The place where Theo's sister died. 

She walked over to the bridge, ran her fingers over the grain of the wood. How different was the truth from the actual story? The one where Theo ended up with her heart in his chest. She took a breath, laid her palms flat on the wood. 

"Show me the real story," she said. 

It was different then other times. Other times, the images slammed into her like a hammer, appeared behind her eyelids, she watched like a person watching a movie in a theatre. 

This was different. It slowly faded in, the blackness taking over her vision, her senses faded. She felt as her mind changed, her perspective until she wasn't her anymore. She was someone else. 

"Theo!" she called. "Theo, come on. Mom and Dad said half an hour, remember?" 

"Tara!"  a voice yelled. She whipped around, dark hair in her face, but she could still see him. Her little brother with her dad's eyes, his little flannel jacket just a little big on the cuffs. 

"Theo," she breathed out in relief. "Come on, we gotta get back." 

"Tara come on," he said. Without waiting for her permission, he turned around and ran into the dark woods. 

"Theo!" she yelled. She ran after him, into the trees. He ran to the creek and walked onto the bridge. She panted as she walked onto the bridge. She punshed his shoulder softly. 

"Don't run off like that," she scolded. "You gave me a heart attack." 

"Sorry," he apologised. "But you gotta see this." He stood on the small edge of the bridge, leaned over the railing. She did the same, wanting to see what he was. 

"I don't see anything," she said. Just their reflection in the black water. Her hair fell in her face and she pushed it behind her ears to try and see what he was seeing. 

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