3:47 My Pack

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Warnings: short chapter, like ridiculously short, mentions of violence, guns, but there's literally no action

It had been two years since they had all been together. There were things that got in the way.

But there was still one thing that would bring them back. From the pockets of the country, from the farthest stretches of the world.

The SUV pulled up to the old yard outside of Los Angeles. It was almost empty now. The fence was broken enough that they could drive in easily. There were small piles of pebbles scattered here and there along the wet rock. The distant lights from LA lit the night, giving them enough light to see. It had rained earlier, there were still drops in the air, getting their hair and skin damp. It was a perfect rendezvous spot for people who didn't want to draw too much attention.

Scott McCall climbed out of the front seat. A boy, Alec, got out of the back seat. He was younger then Scott had been, fifteen, almost sixteen. He watched as the alpha shared a few words with the driver, Chris Argent, before the man drove away.

Scott turned back to the boy. "Okay, Alec." He looked up. "The people who are hunting you...They've got a leader. Her name's Monroe. She's got a lot of followers."

"Like what?" Alec asked. "Hundreds?"

"Thousands," Scott corrected. "All over the world."

"So what are we doing here?" Alec asked.

"We're meeting up with some people who can help us," Scott replied. "Some of them are always with us. Others come when we need them." He paused and let out a sigh. "But tonight... we need everyone we can get."

The Jeep was the first one he saw. It came up behind him. It was powder blue, an older model he had never seen before. Then, across the yard from the Jeep came a sleek black car he didn't know the name of. It looked like something in a spy movie. Then, came a dark blue truck and a silver car, side by side. The truck had three wolves painted on the one side.

A man climbed out of the black car. He was tall, with a beard that covered his face but not enough to hang down. He looked dangerous, strong, someone Alec didn't want to meet on the streets.

Then, two people came from the Jeep. A woman and a man. The woman had strawberry blonde hair, pale skin. She wore clothes that looked like they cost a lot. She wasn't too tall but held herself like she knew that she was dangerous. If she had gone to Alec's school, he would've stayed away from her.

The man was tall but lanky. He had dark hair styled in a quiff and brown eyes. There were moles across his face, or freckles? He couldn't tell. He didn't look too dangerous, but Alec had come to learn not to underestimate people.

A woman got out from the silver car. She had light brown hair that went to her shoulders. Her eyes were dark. She looked dangerous as well, stood with her shoulders back and chin high. There was a small smile on her face when she saw Scott.

Then, two more people came from the truck. From the driver's side was a woman, a man from the passenger seat. They looked younger then the others, maybe a few years.

The man had dark hair, that curled around his ears and grew down to the nape of his neck. He had ocean blue eyes. He smiled at younger boy, with a kind of empathy and kindness that made Alec think he had been where he was before.

The woman, Alec immediately took a step away from. She had her dark hair pulled into a low ponytail, a black leather jacket on her shoulders that seemed to fit her like a glove. A silver necklace rested on her collarbones that glowed in the near darkness. With her hair pulled back, Alec could see her crystal blue eyes so clearly. She held herself with confidence, but she also looked like she would hold someone when they cried.

"Are they all, uh, different?" Alec asked.

Scott looked back to the younger wolf. "Some of them are." He looked at the woman by the silver car, then the one by the truck. "Some can do things you'd never believe." He looked to the man by the Jeep who winked at the alpha. "Some may only be human, but they make up for it by being really smart." Then the woman on the other side of the Jeep. "Or really good in a fight."

"Who are they?" Alec asked.

Scott looked to the man by the spy car. He gave a small smile, his lips barely twitching upwards.

"My friends," Scott told him. "My pack. And you can be with us if you want. But you're gonna have to fight."

"Against Monroe?" Alec guessed.

"And everyone that follows her."

Alec paused. "She said she'd find me. That she'd hunt me down and kill me. She didn't care how old I was." He paused. The next words were hard to get out, but he said them. "She said I was a monster."

Scott shook his head. "You're not a monster. You're a werewolf. Like me." His eyes glowed, bright red. He was an alpha, his eyes confirmed it.

Scott looked to the man by the truck. The stranger nodded. Scott motioned for Alec to follow. The man by the black car and the two by the Jeep joined when he reached them. The woman by the silver car walked next to Scott. The two from the truck joined at the end of the line.

It was then Alec saw the design on the back of the woman's leather jacket. It was a staff with a pair of wings coming from the top. A wolf head was set by the bottom of the wings. Around the design was a silver circle, a ring, then a thicker one outside that.

The woman looked back at Alec. She motioned for him to join them.

He did. He ran over, taking the place beside the woman and the man from the truck.

Vic smiled. She looked at Liam and the two shared a glance. She nodded.

They both knew what was coming.

The next part that would decide the fate for all of the supernatural world.

They had one last thing they needed to do.

One last battle.

They weren't going to run.

One last fight.

A/N: all in all, this comes to about a thousand words. We still have the epilogue, so hang in there people. You're gonna love it, trust me. I do. I wasn't really sure what I wanted to do with it, but I'm actually really happy with how it turned out. And I may be letting some people down, but I'm happier with this version then any other I've gone over and written out.

See you later, wolves.

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