3:10 Ursa

149 7 4

Warning: kidnapping, drugs, needles, blood, the Dread Doctors, electrocution, torture

He ran harder, pushed himself farther. He needed to get there, needed to do it. It was a last resort, but it was the only thing he could think of. He bolted past the trees and rocks. 

Vic knows every inch of these woods, he thought. She'd know the best way there. 

He shook off the thought. It wouldn't help to make himself more depressed then he already was. The cliff came into view. He sprinted with the last off his speed to the edge. He stopped and roared. Roared off Lookout Point, where anyone in Beacon Hills could hear. 

He stopped and looked over the town. He waited. No response. 

Someone came into the clearing. Malia. He could tell by her scent. "There's no scent," she said. "No way to track them." He can hear the frustration in her voice. He knew how much Vic meant to her, the two were practically sisters. "Liam can howl back," she continued. 

Scott fell to his knees, defeated. "Only if he heard." 



Vic, wake up. 


Vic, open your eyes. 





Vic, wake up. 

Bear cub, open your eyes

A loud roar thundered in her ears. Scott. Her eyes were heavy. She pushed them open, feeling a thousand little crusties around her lids. Something was pinched into her arm. Two more things held down her wrists and ankles. The place smelled like mold and some kind of metal. She was in a room with tiled walls. It only had one bed that she was on (though calling it a bed was generous. It was more like a metal table with bindings), no windows and a single iron door like something you'd find on a military ship. 

She looked down and saw that the poking feeling in her arm was a needle. The needle was held by a Dread Doctor, the one the book called the Geneticist. They had a single breathing tube coming out of their mask at the bottom and multiple eye pieces. 

"Ursa," they said. "Strong. Rare." 

Vic surpressed a shiver. That voice was terrible. Like a robot, or a voice from a TV that was distorted. She looked down again and took a small relief knowing she was still wearing her jacket. Then she noticed the Geneticist wasn't injecting something into her. They were taking her blood. 

"What do you want from me?" she asked. 

"Rare," they repeated. "Powerful." The removed the needle and turned to a table she hadn't seen before. 

She tried pulling on her restraints, but her limbs wouldn't follow her actions. She pushed down the panic that started to rise in her chest. She tried moving her fingers. Nothing. Her toes. Nothing. Her eyebrows, nose. She could obiviously still speak. So it was just everything below the neck. 

But how... Kanima venom. They had made Tracy one, it wasn't hard to imagine that they had a more somewhere. 

The Geneticist turned around again. They held a scalpel in their hand. They pushed up Vic's t-shirt just below her breasts and cut a line between her ribcage. The scariest part was that she couldn't even feel it. She waited for the sting of pain, the bite of the blade. There was nothing. It wouldn't matter. She refused to cry out, even if she didn't feel anything. 

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