3:15 No, I Speak Common Sense

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Warning: Latin, hospitals, injuries, blood, violence, swearing (are you even surprised at this point?), angst but not too bad

Apparently, even though they needed it, time decided to slap them all in the face. Vic groaned as she stared at the stain on her underwear. Of course it came now. She pulled up her pants and checked the cabinets. Nothing she could use. She stacked up some toilet paper and put it on the underwear. It would have to do until she got to the pharmacy downstairs.

She opened the bathroom door on her dad's room to see him sitting up in bed, Stiles asleep in the chair. Their dad had been moved into a recovery room since he no longer needed such critical attention. He had traded the gown for sweatpants, a robe and a gray t-shirt.

"Hey," she whispered. "I gotta go get something quick."

"Everything okay?" he whispered back.

She nodded. "Code brown."

His brows furrowed confused. "I thought that was two weeks ago."

She shook her head. "It wasn't. Can I go get my stuff now?"

He gestured for her to go ahead. She left the room quietly, trying to let her brother sleep. She made her way down to the pharmacy, hoping that she wouldn't bleed through her makeshift pad. She groaned a little when she saw that there was a male behind the counter. That was gonna make this a little awkward.

She walked through the aisles till she found what she wanted. She searched her pocket and found a ten inside. Thank God, she thought.

I thought you don't believe in that, the earth said confused.

Vic smiled to herself. It's a phrase, just something people say. And no, I don't.

She grabbed the small package and walked up to the front. She placed the pads down on the counter. The man shifted a little clearly uneasy handling the product. Vic rolled her eyes. Men.

"How much?" she asked.

He ran the item through the scanner and cleared his throat. "$8. 50," he replied.

Vic gave him the bill and took her package. "Keep the change and forget this ever happened."

The man nodded in agreement at her suggestion. Vic walked to the nearest bathroom. She threw out the toilet paper (which was now basically red) and put on the pad. She didn't understand why people used tampns when they could use pads. She'd prefer not to stick something up her butt unless she positively absolutely had to. She washed her hands and put the package in the back pocket of her jacket.

She made her way back up to her dad's room to see Stiles looking up and down the hall. He walked over to her. "You know where Dad went?" he asked.

She shook her head confused. "Is he not in bed?"

Stiles sighed. "No. I woke up and you were both gone. Where'd you go anyway?"

"Code brown," she answered easily.

He nodded in understanding. "Okay, come on, I got an idea on where he might be." They walked into the elevator and Stiles hit the button for the basement. The halls were dark when the doors opened. The only light came from the morgue that was down the hall. The two shared a look before they walked over. Their dad stood by a tray that had a body rested on it. Even from the distance Vic could read what it said.

'Donati, Donovan'.

Stiles was frozen.

Vic sighed. "You need to talk to him," she said. "I won't listen."

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