3:42 Where Have You Been?

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Warnings: mentions of dead people, flashbacks, PTSD, violence, blood, swearing

The rest of the night was a blur. Vic remembered bits and pieces but not a lot.

She remembered seeing the flashing lights.

She remembered Liam's warmth leaving her. She reached out for him but was met only with cold air.

She remembered her dad's hands on her shoulders. His concerned eyes. His hands were rough from years on the force. She hugged him. She didn't cry, just held him. He hugged her back.

She remembered Scott's voice. She couldn't make out the words.

She remembered Malia's eyes. They were worried, and hard. She was trying not to get mad.

She remembered seeing the body bags. They were black. Black like ink. Black like the sky in a city. Black like Brett's hair. Black like Brett's blood. Black like the truck that hit Brett and Lori.

She remembered the houses flashing by.

She remembered her hands shaking.

She remembered wanting her brother. Where was he? Why wasn't he there? He was always there when she needed him. Where was he?

He wasn't there.

She remembered the wind trying to talk to her.

She remembered the earth trying to speak. But it was weird.

She remembered telling Isaac how it wasn't so much as hearing a voice as understanding your thoughts. She couldn't understand them now. They were just meaningless shapes in a jumbled mess she couldn't organize.

She remembered laying down.

She remembered her dad about to leave.

She remembered grabbing his wrist.

She remembered whispering, "Don't leave me alone."

She remembered him crouching down in front of her, whispering, "I would never leave you."

After that, everything was gone in a mess of blackness.


Scott came in the morning to pick her up in Roscoe. He didn't even need to say anything to know where they were going. Liam's house. It was weird, sitting in the passenger seat and not seeing her brother driving.

She directed him there and knocked on the door. Liam's mom opened it.

"Vic," she said in surprise.

"Hey, Mrs. G," Vic greeted. "This is Scott."

"Nice to meet you," the woman said.

"You too, ma'am," the alpha greeted.

"Come on in you two." They walked inside, Liam's mother closing the door behind them. "Sweetie, how are you doing after last night?"

The girl put her hands in her pockets. "I've had better days. Is Liam alright?"

The woman sighed, looked up the stairs. "He's pretending to be sick. He always does that when he doesn't wanna go to school. After what happened, I can't say I blame him."

Vic nodded. "Me neither. Is it alright if we talk to him?"

She pointed up the steps. "Go ahead, if anyone can get him out of bed, I have a feeling it's you."

Vic smiled and made her way up, Scott was behind her. They walked down the hall and to Liam's door. It was closed but it wasn't locked.

She knocked. "Lýkos?" she called.

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