1:23 Because I'm Not An Idiot

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Warning: swearing (this time in English), mentions of injuries, slight mention of dying, angst, very angsty. This is a filler chapter so it's just really short but essential

In the empty science classroom, Stiles pulled a Ouija board out of his backpack and placed it in front of Lydia. The strawberry blonde sat next to Cora Hale (Yes, former rabid werewolf Cora) who had originally come to threaten Lydia to stop seeing Aiden Steiner. Now she was helping the two find Doctor Deaton who had been taken and was now going to be the next sacrifice. The Darach had taken two doctors the night before.

This group of sacrifices was Healers.

"A Ouija board?" Lydia asked incrediously.

"I figured it's worth a shot," Stiles explained, opening the box.

"A shot in the dark," Lydia sassed.

Cora rolled her eyes and zoned out the two's bickering. She reached out with her hearing to try and find what the alpha twins were up to. The pack had drawn the alpha triskelion on the loft windows, meaning they were coming that night to kill Derek. She wanted information.

She found the one twin, talking to someone but she didn't think it was their twin.

"-wants to see you," the twin said.

"Yeah, that's not happening," a second voice said. This voice was female. There was an airiness in her tone like she was seconds away from laughing.

"Why not?" the twin asked. She thought it might be Ethan. She didn't know.

"Because I'm not an idiot," the girl retorted. "And I'd have to be an idiot to meet with him."

"You don't even know him," he protested.

"I don't need to," she countered. "I go and meet with your alpha and he'll ask me to join the pack. I'll call him a murderer, he'll tell me some shit that all those people he killed were justified. That they needed to die. I know how this game works, Ethan. And I know about him, even if I don't know him. I might not've lived in this world long, but I've been here long enough to know who the big guys on the playground are. I know your little excuse for a pack isn't gonna last. Your pack is built on greed, power, vengence. Relationships built on greed will withstand as much as houses made of sand. Eventually, someone's gonna get in the way of that greed and they're gonna die. The same way Ennis died."

Cora's eyebrows raised in shock.

Ennis was one of the alpha pack. He was the definition of body builder. Strength and muscels for miles. He had died recently. He had been injured the night that Derek had supposedly "died." The story was that Ennis had died from his injuries.

This girl, whoever she was, was either really brave or really dumb. Maybe both.

"So, no, I won't be meeting with him," the girl finalised. "I don't want anything to do with him, or you."

"What if we had him?" Ethan asked after a second.

There was a pause as if the girl was processing his words. Then there were loud, angry footsteps. "You listen up and you listen close." Her voice was low, but her voice was angry and dangerous.

"You listening, dipshit? Good, so listen to this. You will not touch him, you will not look at him. If I even smell you on him I will shove my claws so far up your ass you'll be able to your own blood on them in the back of your throat. I think we both know what happens when a Momma bear knows that her cubs are being threatened. They attack."

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