2:11 I Think We're Gonna Be Good Friends

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Warnings: a little angst but mostly fluff, mentions of the nogitsune, swearing, speaking in Greek, bad translating (I'm sorry)

He stood in the middle of the room. It all had to go. If it stayed, he knew he would never stop thinking about it. But he also didn't know where to start.

He turned around at a knock on the door. Vic leaned against the doorframe. She held a hand behind her back. "Hey," she said. "I'm heading out to meet up with Mason. Says I owe him some friend time after nearly ignoring him the past two weeks. You gonna be okay?"

He nodded. "Yeah, I will, I just, gotta clear my head a bit," he said, gesturing to the mess on his walls.

"Oh, that reminds me," she said. She revealed the roll of black plastic things in her hand. She tossed it to him. He caught it. He read the label and furrowed his brows.

"Garbage bags?" he asked.

"For your wall of crazy," Vic said, pointing to the corkboard over his bed. "And after you're done, we're gonna get rid of it. For good."

He nodded, his finger tapping against the roll. "You wanna help?" he asked.

She smiled and shook her head. "Sorry, no. Mason was serious about that friend time. Besides, this part you need to do on your own. But I do expect everything on those walls to be in those bags by the time I get back."

"And if it isn't?" he asked.

She had a playful glint in her eyes as she said, "I'll shove it up your ass."

He chuckled. Only Vic could make a threat sound like a joke. "Deal."

She saluted and left the doorway. He turned around, faced the walls once more. But this time, he knew where to start. He ripped off the cardboard packaging and got to work.


She walked in the shop and looked around. He was in his usual spot. Mason sat in the corner booth, but there was someone with him. Vic couldn't see much of the new person. They were faced away from her. But she saw the dirty blonde hair and the denom jacket.

Mason noticed her presence and waved. She waved back. The person with him noticed too. They turned around. The first thing Vic saw was the blue eyes. Icy blue.

She walked over and sat next to her friend. She took the milkshake in the middle of the table. She raised her eyebrows at Mason, no words needed between them. He was used to her expressions by now.

"Vic, this is Liam Dunbar, Liam, this is Vic Stilinski," Mason introduced the two.

"Oh, so you're the best friend that goes to the snooty prep school," Vic said, in recognition. She scanned the boy's face. He couldn't have been more then fourteen. Maybe her age? His dirty blonde hair was darker at the roots and he still had a little bit of baby fat.

"It's not a snooty prep school," Liam defended.

Vic took a sip of her milkshake (hot fudge, whipped cream, chocolate sauce) with her eyebrows raised.

He rolled his eyes. "Okay, maybe it's a little snooty."

"Glad we established that," she said. "So, Fílos, mind explaining why you brought him?"

"Is it so bad that I wanted my two best friends to get to know each other?" he asked.

Vic felt herself smiling. She had always thought of Mason as her best friend (he was her only friend) but hearing the words from him... it felt like she was finally being accepted.

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