3:21 You're A Dumbass

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Warning: violence, blood, injuries (like a lot), gore, the Beast, knives

"Mason, you know your part?" Scott asked as he walked into the room.

"Corey and I break into the Devenford bus and search their shoes," Mason answered.

"I take out the TV vans," Malia said.

"Right before the whistle, Coach forfeits the game," Stiles added.

"The rest of us are looking for a size ten with a bloody sole," Liam finished.

"Just out of curitosity, what if it doesn't work?" Malia asked.

"She's got a point," Vic said from where she was seated on one of the desks. "I mean, how do we know the person hasn't washed the bottom of their shoes, the blood hasn't flaked off, or the person just threw them away. They might not even be wearing the shoes with the blood one them. I know I have multiple sneakers at home."

"What if we have to go up against this thing?" Malia added. "I mean I hate to bring up bad memories, but Vic can't even shift anymore and Scott's still healing from what Theo did to him."

"No, he's not," Kira denied.

"She's right." Scott lifted up his jersey to show them all his bare chest. No injury, no scab, not even a small scar to show that the wound had been there before. He pulled down his jersey. "It happened the night we got Lydia out of Eichen House. I healed. When we were all together again, when we were a pack."

"The Beast doesn't have a pack," Liam said.

"And everyone knows lone wolves don't survive on their own," Vic said, a smirk crawling onto her lips.

"We can do this guys," Scott said. "No one dies tonight."

They all left the classroom, out to the lacrosse field.

"Vic," Corey called. She walked over to where he stood by the bus. "Why did you tell Mason I was leaving?"

"I didn't," she denied.

"Well how else did he find out?" Corey asked. "I didn't tell anyone else and you promised you wouldn't tell him."

"I didn't," she repeated. "I told Liam. And then he told Mason. You never said anything about that." He narrowed his eyes at her, like he was trying to decide if he was impressed or angry at her. "Rule Fourteen, Corey. Bend the line, don't break it."

Vic sat on the stands next to a girl named Sydney. The two didn't know each other well, just a few smiles or hellos in the hallway. But her seat gave her a direct route down the bleachers in case something happened. Vic's eyes watched as Hayden climbed up the bleachers, sat on the other side of Sydney. The two regarded each other, nodded in acknowledgement before they turned back to the field.

Coach blew the whistle, signalling that the players should get on the field. Vic readjusted in her seat.

He's not forfeiting, is he? Vic asked the wind.

Nope, the wind answered.

She didn't let her annoyance show on her face. There was a reason she had brought her knives tonight. Just in case. She got up and walked around to the back of the bleachers. Lori was already there waiting.

"Hey, you ready?" Vic asked.

The girl nodded. Vic took the Beacon Hills bleachers, Lori took Devenford. It was kind of easy actually. At least on the back rows. The ones closer to the front, Vic had to crawl. Her shoulder throbbed as she moved amoung the front rows. But so far, no blood. She stood up and cracked her back. The bleachers were really long.

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