1:1 Boston?

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He stood back from the board and looked over the different photos. Jane Doe, cut in half, naked, in the middle of the woods. They only had the bottom half of her body. It would be easier to get ID once the found the top half of the body.

If they found the top half. It honestly didn't help that Stiles went through the woods looking for the thing the other night either.

He took a deep breath and ran a hand down his face. There was something missing here. The woman's family deserved to know she was dead. They deserved to know they had lost a family member. They deserved the answers he never got himself. That was why he was there on a Saturday morning.

He knew what it was like to have a million questions and no answers. Even with it becoming a cold case almost six years ago (well, five years and nine months and eighteen days really), the two Stilinskis had never stopped dreaming, had never stopped hoping that their Vic, his daughter, would come home. That she was okay.

That she was alive.

Stop it, he told himself. There's point in falling deeper right now. This family needs their murder solved.

There was a knock on the door and he turned to see Deputy Graeme, Tara, open the door. "Sheriff?" she said. "Urgent call on line two."

The most he could think of was the other half of the body being found. "Who is it?"

"Chief Hunter of Boston PD," Tara explained.

The man blinked in shock. Boston was as far away from California as you could get. "Boston?"

"Boston," she confirmed.

He nodded as thanks and a dismissal. Tara left when he picked up the phone and pressed the button for line two. "Sherrif Stilinski," He introduced.

"Sheriff," the voice greeted. It was deep and had years on it. It's what the job did to you. "This is Chief Hunter of Boston Police Department."

"What can I help you with, Chief?" Noah asked.

"It's actually what I can help you with," the man corrected. Noah furrowed his brows, not really following what the man was saying. "You see, I got a thirteen year old girl here, wondering if she can talk to her father."

He took a breath and gripped his chair. Vic was thirteen, turning fourteen in two months. "And how can I help with that?" He somehow managed to get out the words despite the lump in his throat.

"Well she says her name is Victoria Stilinski, does that sound familiar?"

He closed his eyes before the tears could fall. He felt a small whispered hope go through his head. Maybe, just maybe, this was her. He opened them to see they landed on a picture on his desk. It was of Stiles and Vic at the park. The two were just learning how to work the swings. It was Stiles's kindergarden graduation and the two had giant smiles on both their faces.

He still remembered Stiles's terrified voice the day she went missing. He called his dad and everyone in the county set out straight away. They got the dogs out, sent out amber alerts and roadblocks. Anything to find his little girl. But nothing. After almost two weeks, they got nothing and he was forced to drop the case by his superiors. That tore his already broken heart into pieces.

"Let me talk to my daughter," he ordered.

There was a small pause with a few voices too quiet to hear before there was a shaky breath on the other side of the line. A croaked out and watery, "Dad?" rang in his ears.

He nearly collapsed right then and there. "Vic? I-Is that you princess?"

There was a quick breath before the rushed out response followed. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's me, Dad. It's me, it's Vic."

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