1:25 Dad?

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Warning: mentions of a dead body, injuries, creepy recital music, kidnapping, blood, mentions of drowning

Stiles was out of the Jeep before Vic even got her backpack on. "Hey!" she yelled after him. He turned around, slightly alarmed. "Where do you need to go so bad you turned into the Flash to get there?" she asked, climbing down from the Jeep.

He walked back over to her and spoke in a hushed voice. "I gotta go see if Dad knows anything about the case," he told her.

"You know he's not gonna give you anything," she stated.

"Well I'm gonna try," he said stubbornly. "It's just-this-this was Tara you know? It's Tara."

She nodded. "Okay, well don't come crying to me when he doesn't tell you anything," she said. Stiles nodded and practially bolted away. She walked over to her meet up spot with Mason. The school sign was covered with police tape and a few deputies around it. Her friend was across the quad, staring at the sign in horror.

She walked around him so he wouldn't see her sneaking up on him. She walked behind him, his entire attention on the school sign. She tapped his shoulder and he jumped a foot high. She had a giant smile on her face as she watched her friend calm down.

"God, don't do that to me," he told her.

She chuckled. "It's funny," she defended. The two turned to the school and started walking towards the building.

"Do you know what happened last night?" Mason whispered.

Vic snorted. "Do you know who my family is? My dad is the sheriff and my brother is stubborn boy who can't keep his nose out of cases. Of course I heard what happened last night."

They walked into the school and Mason leaned in closer. "Do they know who did it?" he whispered.

She shook her head. "Still an UNSUB at this point," she said. Vic opened her locker and began to switch out her books. "I don't expect my dad to tell me about every case that happens. If he wants to tell me, he can. I'm not gonna press if he doesn't want to."

Mason looked at her with a smile on his face. "That's very mature of you," he said.

"Now come on, I wanna see how many times I can get a spitwad in the trash," she told her friend. She closed her locker and walked to math. Mason shook his head, following after her.


Vic walked into her house after school with the intention of killing her brother. Or maiming him. Or at least a very loud and painful scolding.

She got a text from her brother in the middle of third period. Can't drive you home, ur gonna have to get another ride sorry :(. Her immediate response was worry. Then anger. He had better have a damn good reason for ditching her.

She heard people in her brother's room and walked down the hall. She kept a hand on her knife, just in case.

"-Jackson's a werewolf?" her dad asked. Her brows furrowed as she stopped outside the doorway to listen.

"Well, Jackson was a kanima first, then Derek and Peter killed him and he came back to life as a werewolf," her brother's voice stated.

Vic's first thought: What the hell?

"Who's the Darack?" Noah asked.

"Darach," Stiles corrected.

"And we don't know that yet," a voice said. This one was female, too deep to be Lydia's or Allison's. It was slightly familiar, but she couldn't place the person that belonged to the voice. But she recognised the smell coming from the room. The smell of the wild.

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