1:21 You'll Fall On Your Face

600 20 16

Warning: Injury, mentions of death, insecurities, loads of it, mebtions of lost loved ones, swearing in different languages, blood

Vic sat in her seat, looking out the window of the bus. It had been three days since what happened on the cross country trail. She had been having nightmares. Almost every night she woke up with her covers everywhere or tears in her eyes. She wasn't seeing Kyle or Ashley, or any of her pack. No, she was seeing her dad, Melissa and the man that she saw with Allison: all of them tied up in what looked like a root cellar.

She shook off her nightmares and stood up. She walked past Ethan and Danny, Ethan tense and Danny worried. Across the aisle and a row back was Isaac and Boyd. Boyd was a teenager built like a bear, with a shaved head and dark skin. He looked ready to murder Ethan.

She walked further down the aisle to where the bags were stashed in the back seat. Stiles and Scott sat in the seat in front of the bags. Based on their conversation, Stiles was helping Scott study.

"-have to talk about it sometime," Stiles said. Scott looked out the window. Stiles sighed and moved onto the next word. "Next word, intransigent."

"Stubborn, obstinent," Scott defined.

"Synonym: Stiles when Dad doesn't let him help with a case," Vic quipped as she reached the bags. She heard Scott chuckle before it turned into more of a pained groan. She turned to the two to see Stiles looking at her offended while Scott looked ready to throw up. "You okay there, Scotty?"

The boy nodded and straightened in his seat. "Yeah, just a bit car sick is all," Scott excused.

Vic snorted and turned back to the bags. She found hers easily. "Don't let Coach hear you say that. Man's angry enough as it is." She pulled out her water bottle before she moved back down the aisle. She could still feel Boyd's glare on Ethan as she returned to her seat that was two rows ahead of Boyd and Isaac.

She knew why he was angry. She knew that Scott was hurt, she knew why. And it was all her fault.

It was her fault she wasn't there. She wasn't protecting them. It was her fault Derek Hale was dead.

She didn't let herself cry. Derek deserved tears, but she couldn't let Stiles see her tears and ask what happened. She knew in her current mindset she would tell him immediately. And then he would hate her.

She knew he would.

She didn't take a drink from her water bottle. just played with the cap. She jumped when Coach blew his whistle and yelled at a few of the kids on the team.

"Two of you! Back to your seats!" The man's gaze ran over the team before it stopped on a boy with black hair and glasses. "Jared? Car sick? Again?" Jared nodded, holding his stomach. "Every ti- How do you even get on the bus? Look at me! No, don't look at me. Look at the horizon. Keep your eyes-eyes on the horizon." His gaze swept over the team once more until they stopped on Scott. "McCall, not you too," he whined.

Vic turned in her seat to look over the different heads of students. Scott straightened in his seat, a fake smile on his face. "No Coach, I'm good," he said, giving the man a thumbs up.

Coach returned to his seat near the driver while Vic just slouched in her seat. She looked out the window. It was the middle of the desert, green replaced by brown and yellow. But she still thought it was beautiful. Something about it was amazing to her. The small trees and plants that stuck up from the ground, the clear blue sky, that endless stretch of desert. It wasn't as amazing as the woods, but she still liked the ecosystem.

Even with her gazing, she kept Boyd in her peripheral. She understood why he was mad. If she ever found out who crashed into the truck that fateful night, she thought she might feel the same.

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