3:19 I Hate All Of You

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Warning: Eichen House, gross people, orderlies, electrocution, mental paitents, violence, fire, sort of death, angst, swearing

The entire pack knew Eichen House was a dangerous, terrible place. Whether ir was bad memories (Stiles, Malia), the stories that came from the walls (Scott, Vic, Kira) or the general creepiness of it all (Liam, Vic, Scott, Stiles, Kira, Malia), they all knew to stay away from Eichen House. It was the exact opposite that night.

They needed into the mental hospital.

Parrish pulled up to the back gates around 7:30 pm. "Delivery to morgue," he told the orderly at the post.

The man looked at his clipboard and flipped through the pages. "I don't see you on the list," the guard stated.

"You heard about the animal attacks, right?" Parrish asked. At the man's nod, he continued. "The hospital ran out of refridgerated drawers and Eichen's the only other up to code morgue in the county."

The guard sighed at the prospect of having to do more work. "Let's have a look," he said.

"I don't think you wanna do that," Parrish said quickly. "The stench back there nearly made me pass out while driving."

The guard narrowed his eyes, suspicious of the deputy. "Open the back of the van, please," he said. His tone suggested next time he wouldn't use please.

Parrish sighed and put the van into park. He got out and opened the back of the van to reveal eight black body bags.

"I'll need to log the names off the toe tags," the guard told Parrish.

"There's signifigant decomp," Parrish warned. "They were found in the county tunnels way past rigor."

The guard narrowed his eyes at Parrish. "Open them up, please."

Parrish sighed, not wanting to do the next part. He opened the body bag of a decomposed body, the skin gooey in some places, eyes glassy, mouth open, hair torn in places, a giant gash across the person's neck. The second Parrish opened it, a terrible stench filled the small space, the smell of death, blood and something that could only be described as vomit worthy.

The guard turned away, trying to hold back gagging. He saw Parrish reach to open another. "No, no, go," the guard said, not wanting the smell to get worse. "Just go. Just go."

Parrish zipped up the first body bag and drove into the parking lot. Orderlies came and retrieved the body bags, carrying them to the morgue on stretchers.

On the three tables, the body bag on the table closest to the door, began to unzip from the inside. Scott McCall sat up and pulled off the nose plugs Vic got for all of them. He took a deep breath of clean air. Liam followed his example and unzipped himself, taking in gulps of air. He silently thanked Vic for the noseplugs she bought that afternoon.

Stiles was the last one out, his breathing almost panting. He looked over to Scott and spoke between gasps, "Never again."

Scott nodded in agreement and began undoing the rest of the zipper. Scott pulled his phone out and looked at the timer. '7:45:15 pm' He looked over to his beta and his best friend. "Fifteen minutes starting now."

"Hey, guys," Liam said. Scott looked over to Liam and thought the question he was about to say a second before he said it. "Where's Vic?"

Twelve refridgerated drawers filled the wall opposite to the door. Inside one of the drawers on the second row from the floor, banging came.

"Found her," Stiles said. He flailed around, tried to get out of the body bag to his sister. His legs got tangled in the material and he fell off the table onto the ground.

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