1:5 You Look Awful With A Buzzcut

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Warnings: Fluff. Some angst. Nothing too bad. Lydia screams. Vending machine death

Vic watched from beside Melissa as Stiles slept in a coupple hospital chairs. He was sprawled out over them, a Get Well balloon tied to his wrist and a drip of drool going down his chin. She was sure the postion would give the boy back problems. He mumbled something unintelligable in his sleep as he smiled slightly. 

Mr Martin, Lydia's father, walked out of her hospital room. Vic glared at him. Based on what she got from Lydia, the strawberry blonde never liked her dad. So Vic didn't like him either. 

The two adults watched the teenage boy turn onto his back ver the chairs. "Has he been here all night?" Mr Martin asked Melissa. 

"He's been here all weekend," Melissa answered. 

"What do you expect? My brother's determined," Vic told them. Of course, they didn't react, simply because they didn't hear her. She watched with the two adults as Stiles's mumblings became clearer. 

"Mmmm, you're dirty," he said to the girl in his mind. 

"Nope, nope, no, not listening to this! LALALALALA!" Vic covered her ears with her hands. She refused to listen to her brother have a wet dream. Not happening. 

Thankfully, Stiles seemed to wake up, his dream disappeared. He shoved the balloon off his wrist and watched it float up to the ceiling. He decided then that he needed food. He walked over to the vending machine a hallway away, dug out some change before he dropped the coins into the machine and pressed the buttons for a Reese. The chocolate got stuck on the glass. 

"Come on," he muttered. He grabbed the top of the vending machine and shook it slightly. 

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Vic warned him. 

He kept shaking it. He spread his legs out and shook it from side to side harder. The thing moved from its position against the wall and tipped forward. Stiles's eyes went wide. He moved out of the way and the machine crashed onto the floor. Stiles still had his legs spread and his hands out. 

"I told you so," Vic said, her arms crossed. 

A scream rang through the walls of the hospital. It was so close and so loud it was like the person was screaming right in her ear. Vic covered her ears, tried to block out the screaming. It stopped as soon as it started. Stiles turned around when it stopped. Vic took a giant breath and removed her hands from her ears. 

"Lydia," he whispered. He turned and ran down the corridor headed to her hospital room. He left the spirit of his little sister behind. 

Vic tried focusing, trying to get back to her body. "Come on, come on, you can't do anything like this, you gotta get back to your body. Come on, you can do this, come on, just wake up, you just gotta wake up. So wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up!"

She started to wake up. Everything was dark but bright at the same time. She didn't know what to do. She sort of remembered dark curls, a soft voice, but it was faded, like sand running through her fingers. She didn't know what was going on. There was something down her throat and her nose. Something poking in her arms. 

Deep breaths, a voice in her head told her. Stay calm. Assess the situation and go from there. 

She peeled her eyes open. The room was white. There were chairs on either side of the bed she was laying down on. There was a small door in the corner of the room. A large window on the left wall had the blinds drawn. On the opposite wall was a single wooden door. There were machines surrounding her. She was dressed in a hospital gown. 

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