1:8 If You Tell Me, I Can Care

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Warnings: swearing, crying, mentions of an attack, self harm, drugs, injuries.

She let out a breath and watched as the small piece of fog crowded around her face before it dissolved into the air. She didn't like winter. Or early spring. Too cold. But she wanted out of the house more. She had cleaned the entire thing, drew in a few sketchbooks and watched almost every movie in the house. In otherwords, she was bored out of her mind. 

She figured why not come to the lacrosse game and support her big brother. 

Problem: he wasn't playing. He was on the bench and the coach (a loud, chaotic man with hair standing on end like he had been electrocuted) didn't seem intent on putting him in anytime soon. Stiles had completely given up and wore a track suit instead of lacrosse gear like the other players. 

Problem two: the opposition had a defender with a body built like a god damn deity. He had knocked down every player that came close to the goal to the point where Beacon Hills was putting in players that were clearly concussed. 

"Is that a kid or a science experiment?" The coach yelled. "I wanna see a birth certificate!" 

Vic couldn't blame him. She was still bored however. And sitting alone. Her dad had a shift so he wasn't there. She stood up and walked down the bleachers to the Beacon Hills bench. She sat down next to her brother, who didn't seem to notice her. His eyes were on the coach who had returned to the bench and sat on Stiles's other side. 

"Who or what is that genetic experiment gone wrong?" the man asked. 

"Eddie Abramowitz, Coach," Stiles responded. "They call him 'the Abomination.'"

"Oh that's cute," Coach replied. The man turned his head and noticed Vic. "Who are you and what the hell are you doing on my bench?" 

Stiles whipped his head around so fast Vic was surprised he didn't get whiplash. "W-w-what are you doing here?" he asked her. 

"Well, Stiles, about fourteen years ago, Mom and Dad loved each other very much-" Vic started.

"That's not what I meant!" he interrupted. "I meant what are you doing here, at the game." 

"I was bored of sitting at the house so I figured I'd come here and support you," she explained, "And as for the bench- I was cold, bored, alone and the bench made my butt hurt so I figured I'd come down here and bug you." She gave him an innocent smile. He just huffed at her like he was already done with everything. 

"Stilinski, who is this?" Coach asked. 

Stiles sighed. "Coach, this is my sister, Vic. Vic, Coach Finstock." She waved at him. 

The man looked between the two with suspicious eyes. "There's two of you?" he asked. 

Vic shrugged. "If you wanna think about it like that then sure." The sound of a loud thump made all three turn back to the field to see another player go down, thanks to the Abomination. "I don't think he's on hemroids, more likely steroids. He definitely took something to help him out." 

Coach stood up and started yelling again. Vic leaned forward and focused on the game. The pieces of grass flying under the athlete's cleats, the smell of sweat, the sound of harsh breaths. It was very fast paced and quick. Vic spotted Scott's number eleven in the middle of the field. He was talking to another player, number thirty-seven. It seemed they were arguing about something. Vic couldn't make it out with all the other sounds going on around her. 

She turned to her brother again and froze when he wasn't there. She looked around and saw his red and white tracksuit disappear into the parking lot on the side of the school. She furrowed her brows. Why was he leaving? She stood up and followed him. 

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