2:3 Yes To Both Then

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Warnings: mentions of jail, drug dealers, attempted killing, kidnapping. Man this is tame

The mass poweroutage was caused by (drum roll) William Barrow. He had kidnapped a girl named Kira (the cute Asian girl that Vic had seen come out of the locker room with Scott the day Malia came looking for Kiley's doll) and tried to kill her by bringing her to a power substation and electrocuting her. But Barrow misjudged the amount of volts and got electrocuted himself. And managed to somehow blackout all of Beacon Hills in the process.

That was the story without the supernatural side anyway.

Here's the story with the supernatural details:

Barrow hid in the chemical closet at school so the wolves and Vic wouldn't be able to sniff him out. There was a message on the blackboard in atomic numbers for Barrow that his real target was Kira. He then took her to the power substation he used to work at (before he rigged a bomb and killed five kids) with the intent to electrocute her to death. But when he tried to do so (and this is Scott's exact words), it was like some sort of force field surrounded Kira and protected her from it. But it caused an explosion which killed Barrow. Then, Kira somehow sucked all the energy into her hands, which caused the blackout.

Vic's first theory was a child of Zeus, greek god of the sky. His demigod children were invulnerable to lightning. Her second theory was a kitsune, a Japanese fox spirit. There were different kinds of kitsune and one was thunder, meaning that kind was immune to electricity.

Honestly though, neither of those would've surprised her. It was Beacon Hills after all.

All caught up? Good!

Vic and Mason walked into school on Halloween day to see all the lights were off. They were greeted by the sound of Coach's megaphone. "Just because there's no power don't expect there to be no class!" he yelled, his voice booming through the hall due to the speaker.

"That's a triple negative, very impressive Coach," Stiles called from his locker.

"Copy that," the man responded, still with the megaphone.

"Who decided it was a good idea to let him have a megaphone?" Vic asked as they walked to the girl's locker.

"Hey Vic?" Mason said as they arrived at their destination. She hummed, letting him know she was listening while she spun her lock. "What do you want for your birthday?" he asked.

Vic smiled as she opened the metal container. "You've asked me for a week now," she pointed out.

"And your birthday is in a week," Mason countered. "Plus you haven't told me what you want."

"I don't see how it's a big deal," Vic told him. "It's just a birthday."

"The first birthday you're celebrating since you've been home," Mason said. "I wanted to ask what you wanted first and not do something completely over the top you might hate."

Vic smiled at her friend's kindness. "I don't want much honestly," she confessed. "Decorate my locker. Get me a chocolate cupcake for lunch. Some new ink pens. I don't want a full blown surprise party."

Mason nodded in resignation. His expression suggested he was storing the information away for later.

"Hey, Vic," a voice called. The two turned to see Stiles down the hall, making his way towards them.

Vic closed her locker and locked it before she turned to her brother as he arrived. "What's up?"

He pulled out his keyring and showed her a golden key. She took it from his fingers and examined it. "You recognise it?" he asked.

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