3:9 I Hope You Brought Snacks

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Warnings: The Dread Doctors, chains, yelling, angst (this should be expected by now, it's Season 5), mentions of someone dying, needles, swearing, kidnapping, pain, very descriptive pain

Parrish opened his trunk to reveal three black cell phone jammers. They looked so harmless. Worst comes to worse, the wires can be used as a garotte, Vic thought. Her hand fell down to her waist, where her two knives hung. Her bone on her left, her silver on her right. 

She still didn't know what to name them. 

Malia grabbed one of the jammers and eyed them in suspicion. "We're betting our lives on these?" she asked. 

"I think we're betting Hayden's life on them," Lydia said. 

"Yeah, well I'm glad I brought my gun," Parrish said. He reached into the trunk and pulled out a pistol. 

"Same reason I brought these," Vic said. She pulled her jacket back a bit to show the handles. 

Parrish nodded in acknowldement. Vic took the third jammer and took it to the locker room. Malia took the one in her hands to the hall, where she would stay. Vic gave Malia a look, one she returned. The message was clear. Be careful, be safe, I don't want to lose you. 

After they walked in, Scott moved a group of lockers into the doorways. Vic turned on the jammer and put it on top of a locker. 

"All set," she said. She looked down the aisle of lockers to see Hayden anxiously ringing her hands together. Vic offered her a small smile, to try and help her relax. 

"Now what?" Hayden asked. 

"Now we wait," Vic said. "I hope you brought snacks. We're gonna be here for a bit." 

Hayden sighed and walked over to the sinks that lined the walls next to the showers. Liam followed her. Vic joined them after a minute of just Hayden staring at the mirror. 

"Can you, can you show me how you do that eye thing?" Hayden asked. 

Vic nodded. She glowed her eyes at the girl. Hayden's own golden eyes glowed back. Liam had enough control to not glow his back. Hayden turned to the mirror, her heart beting a bit faster at the sight of her glowing eyes. 

"How do I turn it off?" she asked. Vic could hear the panic in her voice, the fear. She knew what that felt like, knew it all too well. 

"Just take deep breaths," Vic said. She didn't touch the girl, didn't want to cause a further panic. "Your shifting is caused to your heart rate. So just stay calm and you'll be fine. Try to find something to focus on. A moment where you were happy. A person you care about." Hayden's eyes closed as her breathing evened out. "You have it in your mind?" Hayden nodded. "Open your eyes." 

Hayden opened her eyes to reveal her normal brown irises once more. "It feels so weird. Like fire behind my eyeballs." 

Vic chuckled. "That's what my pack told me to expect the first time too. It was weird." 

"Your pack?" Hayden asked, confused. 

"They were like family but more," Vic said. "Losing them was like losing a limb, like I had lost a part of me." 

"Do you think of them?" she asked. "When you... you know." 

Vic shook her head. "I think of my brother. My dad. Sometimes I think of the others when I'm mad at them, but it's mostly my family."

"Don't worry, you'll learn to control it," Liam said. 

Hayden sighed and looked at her hands. Vic knew that she was thinking of the claws that came from her nails. "I'm not like you," she pointed out. "I wasn't bitten by a wolf. I was somebody's science experiment." 

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