Locked Away

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"Mer! When are you finishing your shift tonight?" Cristina asked her best friend, also known as her person.

"I'm off at 6:30! Wanna grab a drink after? I'm in desperate need of some tequila. I think Dr Bailey hates me. I think I'm her least favorite intern. Of all time. So yeah I'm in desperate need for tequila. Lots of tequila." Meredith rambled.

"I don't know how you talk so much. But yes I'm in! Should we ask Amelia if she wants to come also?" Cristina asked, knowing that Meredith and Amelia were very close.

"No, she's doing something with Addie tonight. I think they were going shopping or something. I love those two but I do not want to go shopping." Meredith shuddered at the thought of going shopping with them.

Meredith grew up next door to the Shepherds which meant she was always over at their house. She grew up calling Carolyn "Mom" since her own mother didn't have a mothering bone in her body. She spent so much time over with the Shepherds. She became instant best friends with Amelia when she met her at age 6. They've been friends ever since. And now they're interns together! And since Amelia became good friends with Addison that meant Meredith did as well. Secretly Meredith always had a crush on Derek when she was growing up but never told anyone about that little crush. And now it's too late since he's with Addison. And Mark? She loves Mark like a brother. He loves to tease her but he wouldn't ever let anyone hurt a single hair on her body. He's just another big brother to her.

"Yeah, we're better off going to Joe's and getting drunk. Okay. We just have fifteen minutes left of our shift. We can do this." Cristina says. "Oh Dr Bailey's coming, act natural."

"Me? You act natural?" Meredith said back.

"Grey! Yang! Why are you two standing around and not helping patients? I know you're almost finished but that does not mean you can just stand around and do nothing! Go make yourselves useful before I give you both scut for the rest of the week!" Bailey yells at both interns.

Both interns run off.

Once their shift is over they meet back up in the locker room and change out of their scrubs and into everyday clothes. Meredith changes into her jeans and a green long sleeve top. Once both are ready they walk over to Joe's and take a seat at the bar.

"Joe! A shot of tequila for both of us please!" Meredith tells their favorite bartender.

"Coming right up! You two have good shifts today?" Joe asks them while pouring them both a shot of tequila.

"Yeah but Bailey was on the warpath for me again today. She hates me I just know it." Meredith said and instantly took her shot when Joe put it in front of her. "Another please!"

Meredith's phone starts to ring and she sees it's Amelia calling. "Hey Amy, I'm at Joe's right now what's up?"

"Mer! Do you want to have dinner with Addie, Derek, Mark, and I tonight?" Amelia asks her. Meredith hears Mark in the background yelling that she doesn't have any choice but to say yes.

"Sure, let me see if Cristina wants to come." She puts the phone down and asks Cristina if she wants to tag along.

"Mer, as much as I love you I really want to get drunk tonight so I'm going to stay here and annoy Evil Spawn tonight." Cristina says.

Meredith laughs. "Okay."She says to Cristina. "Amy? I'll come over for dinner. What time should I be there?" Amy tells her to come over for a late dinner at 8. Meredith agrees and says she'll be over then. She decides she'll leave Joe's at 7:45.

At 7:40 Meredith pays Joe for her shots of tequila. "Cris, I'll see you tomorrow okay?"

Cristina takes another shot and smiles at her friend. "Have fun tonight! Not too much fun without me of course."

Meredith laughs and says goodbye.

Meredith puts on her jacket and grabs her phone, purse, and keys and leaves the bar. She calls a cab to bring her over and says she'll meet the driver over at Seattle Grace.

It's been a stormy day in Seattle so it's dark already. Meredith starts walking back over to Seattle Grace to meet the cab driver. She's cutting through the alley between Joe's and Seattle Grace when all of a sudden she feels arms wrapped around her body.

She tries hitting the person with her purse but the attacker grabs her purse and drops it on the ground. She tries to hit her attacker but he grabs her arm and pulls it behind her back. She groans in pain and before she can do anything else a cloth is put over her nose and mouth and she instantly falls unconscious. As she falls unconscious she drops her phone and it bounces a few feet away.

He grabs her body and puts her in the trunk of his car that's parked nearby. "Say goodbye to everything you know. You will never see this place again." He says to her unconscious form.He then smiles in triumph and quickly drives off into the night.

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