Chapter 22

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"Code Blue Room 2235, Code Blue Room 2235." A nurse yells loudly, running past Meredith's room.

Meredith whimpers at the loud alarms coming from next door and the yelling of the nurses.

At the same time the Code Blue is happening there is a rowdy patient that got out of his room. He is running up and down the hallway yelling and screaming. "No one in this hospital is safe! Let me out of here! I have to get out of here! I'm finished here!"

"Sir! You are safe! Your surgery will go fine! You need to get back to your room!" A nurse yells, trying to get the patient back to his room. "You are going to wake up all of the patients!"

Meredith grips her blanket so hard her knuckles turn white. She is terrified. She hears the patient yelling and she hears him saying 'Finn' not hearing the whole word. She was in a deep sleep until she heard all of the commotion on the floor.

"I have to get out of here." She sobs to herself. "I'm not safe here. Finn is going to take me again and hurt me. I need to hide!"

Meredith turns off her heart monitor and undoes all of the medical equipment and IVs that are attached to her. She gets out of bed with her blanket, and starts walking on her cast. She is not feeling any pain from the cast at the moment because her body is filled with adrenaline and knows she needs to get out of there to save herself.

She walks to her door and sees the nurses down the hallway dealing with the loud patient. She quickly runs out of her room and past the empty nurses station. There aren't as many doctors and nurses on this floor as it's night time. And the ones that are here are dealing with the code blue and the loud patient.

Meredith runs down the hallway, still not feeling pain. She takes the stairs to a lower level of the hospital. She hears a male voice and panics. She searches for somewhere to hide. She sees a supply closet and hurries into it. She locks the door behind her once she closes it.

Even though she is now hidden from everyone she is still scared and cries softly to herself. She lays down on the floor curled up with her blanket and eventually cries herself to sleep.


An hour later a night shift nurse comes into Meredith's room to check on her vitals. The nurse walks in and stops in her tracks immediately and sees that Meredith is not in her bed.

"Meredith?" The nurse calls out. No response. The nurse goes over to the bathroom but finds it empty. She immediately panics.

"I need some help in here!" The nurse yells as she runs out of the room.

Other nurses run up to her to help her.

"Where is Meredith Grey? She's not in her room or bathroom!" The nurse says loudly.

The other nurses are in disbelief that Meredith is gone and go into her room to see for themselves.

"Where is she?!" They yell hurrying back out of the room. "Someone page Dr Bailey! We need to call a code for a missing patient!" Both are done immediately.

Dr Bailey runs up to them. "Is Meredith okay? I got a page Meredith 911."

"She's missing!" The nurse says loudly. "She's not in her room or her bathroom! Has she been taken again???"

"Oh no, oh no, oh no." Bailey says starting to really worry. She goes into Meredith's room and sees her intern is gone.

Dr Bailey pages Cristina, Amelia, Derek, Addie, Mark to the floor and they all come immediately after seeing the page say Meredith 911.

"What's going on? Is Mer okay?" Derek yells out of breath.

"Why isn't she in her room???" Cristina yells after going into Meredith's room. "Bailey, where's Meredith???"

"Bailey, is this some kind of joke? Where is Meredith?!" Mark yells.

"Would you fools all shut up so I can talk!" Bailey yells. Once they quiet down she starts talking. "I was paged here by a nurse who said Meredith was missing from her room. We have called a missing patient code and security has already started to search for her. I called you all here since you're the closest to her. I also figured you would want to help search for her."

"Has she been taken again???" Addie asks, starting to cry.

"We don't know yet. I was told by a nurse that this floor has been very loud tonight with many codes going off and an especially rowdy patient in the hallway. I'm hoping she just got scared and is hiding somewhere in the hospital." Bailey says.

"I'm calling Mom. She'll want to come help search for Mer and if we find her I know Mer will want her to comfort her." Amelia says, calling her mom and explaining the situation.

Carolyn gets there ten minutes later and helps search for Meredith.

They all split up and start searching for Meredith in supply closets, exam rooms, and on call rooms. They are looking on different floors also.

Finally after searching the whole hospital, they have searched all but one floor. They go to that floor and split up to search it.

Amelia goes to open the door for a supply closet but finds it locked. "Why is this door locked? They're not supposed to lock the supply closets."

She gets a key from a nurse and opens the door. She sees Meredith asleep on the floor holding onto her blanket.

Amelia sends a page to everyone saying that she has found Meredith. Everyone comes over to where Amelia is.

"She locked herself in that supply closet. She's sleeping now. I got the door open but I'm scared to wake her. I can already tell she has a lot of tear stains on her face. I'm afraid she's going to be really scared when she wakes up." Amelia says to everyone. "Mom, I think it might be best if you wake her up."

Carolyn nods and makes her way over to a sleeping Meredith. Carolyn is crying because she's so relieved Meredith has been found safe.

"Mer, wake up sweetie." Carolyn says softly, rubbing Meredith's shoulder.

Meredith opens her eyes and immediately starts to freak out. "Finn is going to take me again! I have to go!" She cries out in fear.

"Meredith, shhh. You're okay! Finn is not here. You're okay." Carolyn says, attempting to soothe Meredith.

"No! He's here! I heard someone say his name! Please! I need to get out of here! It's not safe! I'm not safe! Please Carolyn! I need to go!" She sobs.

Carolyn tries to calm Meredith down but Meredith is not wanting to be calmed down.

"He's going to kidnap me again Carolyn! He's going to hurt me! I don't want to die!" She sobs.

Everyone standing outside of the closet hears Meredith's sobs and what she's saying.

"Poor thing is so traumatized." Addie said sadly.

"I hate to say it but I think it's time we got a psych consult for Mer." Dr Bailey says sadly. "She's not a threat to herself or others, she just needs help to heal. She needs help to move on from this. Nothing seems to be working."

Everyone nods their heads in agreement.

I hope you liked!!!

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