Chapter 23

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"No! Carolyn! He's here! Please! I need to leave! Please have them discharge me! I can't stay here! I can't go through that again!" Meredith sobs loudly.

"He's not coming after you Mer. He's not here. I promise you baby girl. We would never let him hurt you again. You are going to be okay. Can we get you back to your room?" Carolyn asks the extremely distressed Meredith.

"No! He'll be there waiting for me! Please, I need to go!" Meredith's face is covered with tears. Her sobs are heard throughout the whole floor.

Carolyn continues trying to calm down Meredith but nothing she does seems to work.

"I'll be right back sweetie." Carolyn tells her.

Meredith doesn't respond as she's too upset. She just continues crying.

Carolyn enters the hallway and sees everyone standing there with worried expressions on their faces.

"She's extremely destressed. She won't leave the supply closet. She keeps saying Finn is here and he will kidnap her. She won't stop sobbing. Nothing I say seems to work." Carolyn says, choking back a sob. "She's my baby girl. I want her to feel safe but I don't know if she'll feel that way ever again. She's terrified. Just so traumatized."

Meredith continues to sob loudly.

"Mom, we were just saying we need to get her a psych consult. Enough is enough. We need to get her some help." Derek says.

"I don't think she's a threat to herself or to anyone else. She's just extremely traumatized." Carolyn says.

"You're right. She's not. But she needs help so she can be less traumatized. She refuses to leave that supply closet. And she won't stop crying. We need to do something to help her." Mark says. "She's so scared of men. After the way she reacted with Derek I haven't even attempted to visit her because I don't want to scare her. She needs help, Mom. More than we can give her."

Carolyn nods. "Okay. You're right. Page someone."

Derek gets out his pager and sends a 911 page to Dr Wyatt.

"Carolyn." Meredith sobs loudly.

"I'm going to go back to her now. Just text me when Dr Wyatt is here. I don't want to scare her even more. Especially with a new person." Carolyn says.

They all nod.

Carolyn enters the supply closet and sees Meredith curled into a ball.

"Hey, I'm right here. You're going to be okay."

"No, I'm not!" Meredith wails. "Finn is back!"

"He's not back. I promise baby girl."

"He's going to hurt me! I don't want that to happen again!" Meredith sobs.

Just then Carolyn gets a text on her phone. She sends a quick text back telling Derek to give her a few more minutes.

"Meredith, there's a very nice lady that wants to talk to you. Would you be willing to talk to her?" Carolyn asks.

Meredith's eyes widen in fear. "She could be working for Finn! No! No! No!" Meredith all of a sudden gets up and runs to the back of the closet, hiding herself in the darkness of the shelves.

Carolyn sighs, knowing this isn't going to go well. "Mer, she won't hurt you. I promise! She works here at the hospital. She just wants to talk to you."

"No!" Meredith sobs.

Dr Wyatt is standing outside the supply closet. She had gotten there and was quickly told what the situation was. She had heard about what had happened to Meredith and was expecting to be called for a consult on Meredith at some point.

"Dr Wyatt, my mom said to give her a few more minutes. She's telling Meredith that you're here." Derek says.

Just then they head a loud No from inside of the closet. And then more sobs. The sobs have not stopped since they've been standing outside of the closet.

"Has she stopped crying at all?" Dr Wyatt asks.

"No, she just continues crying loudly. Nothing helps her. She's extremely traumatized and thinks that her kidnapper is here trying to take her again." Mark explains sadly.

"Okay. I'll try to talk to her. You said that your mother has tried to get her to come out but she refuses?"

They all nod.

"Hold on. I just got a text from my mom." Derek says. "Shit. She told her that you were here to talk to her and she completely freaked out. That must have been when we heard her yell no. She thinks that you're working for her kidnapper and are trying to help him rekidnap her. My mom also said that she just hid herself further back into the closet. I think you should go in now and see what you can do." Derek says.

"Okay. One second though." Dr Wyatt says and walks down to the nurses station. The nurse nods at something she says and walks away. The nurse comes back, hands Dr Wyatt something and then Dr Wyatt walks back over to the supply closet.

"Okay. So I had to grab something to sedate her with just in case. Hopefully I won't have to use it but we'll see. She's so worked up, there's a good chance I'll have to sedate her with it." Dr Wyatt explains.

Dr Wyatt then opens up the supply door closet and walks inside, closing the door behind her.

"Meredith? Hi? It's Dr Wyatt."

Meredith hears her call out to her and screams and starts sobbing louder if that's even possible. "No. No. No. No." She sobs. "Carolyn, help me please. I don't want to rekidnapped."

"Shhh, you're okay. That's just Dr Wyatt. I promise you she's not working for Finn." Carolyn tells her.

Meredith wails loudly when she sees Dr Wyatt coming closer to her.

Dr Wyatt crouches down at her level and smiles at her. "Hi Meredith, you are okay. I just want to talk to you. Can we do that?"

Meredith quickly looks around the room looking for somewhere else to hide. "Need to go! Don't want to be rekidnapped!" She sobs and starts to get up but Dr Wyatt quickly reaches out and grabs a hold of her arm and gently lowers her back to the ground. Meredith is kicking and screaming while she does that.

"No! Leave me alone! Please! Don't hurt me! Please!!!" Meredith sobs, starting to hyperventilate.

Dr Wyatt sighs and realizes that she will have to sedate Meredith. She grabs the needle and Meredith sees her getting it ready. Meredith starts to fight her off with her hands. She doesn't want her anywhere near her body.

"Please don't hurt me! Please! I don't want to be hurt again! Please!!! Please don't hurt-"

Dr Wyatt quickly injects the sedation into Meredith and Meredith instantly falls asleep and stops crying.

It is finally quiet.

I hope you liked! Please let me know if you have any ideas!

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