Chapter 28

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"Meredith? Sweetie you're okay! It was just on the tv!" Carolyn says as both her and Cristina are right next to the door trying to get Meredith to come out.

"No! It's Finn!" Meredith sobs. "Are the doors locked?"

"They are Mer! Everything is locked up! You are safe!" Cristina says.

"What about the windows? Are they locked also?" Meredith cries.

"Yes, they are all locked. Come on out sweetie. You are fine baby girl. I promise. Nothing will happen to you." Carolyn says, trying to calm Meredith down.

"I'm scared." Meredith sobs.

"I know you are. But I promise you that you are safe. Cristina and I are both here sweetie. And I'm pretty sure Addie promised you ice cream when you were discharged. We can't do that if you won't come out of there." Carolyn says.

Meredith is quiet for a minute. "I want ice cream! But I'm scared Finn will come and take me again!"

"Mer, he won't. He's in jail." Cristina said. "But Mer if you want ice cream you have to come out of there."

Meredith is quiet. And then slowly she opens the door. They see her tear stained face. "You promise? He won't take me?" She asks, starting to play with her fingers and stretching them out because of her anxiety.

Carolyn grabs Meredith's hands to stop her from playing with them. She knows this is one of Meredith's anxious habits.

"I promise. Come on, let's get you back in bed." Carolyn says and helps Meredith back into bed. She tucks her in and makes sure she's comfortable.

"I want strawberry ice cream later." Meredith says.

"I knew you were going to say that! You've always loved your strawberry ice cream!" Carolyn says, smiling at Meredith.

"Cause it's so good! I don't know why you never get it!" Meredith says with a small smile on her face.

Carolyn smiles at Meredith. She's happy that Meredith seems excited to go and get ice cream since she's scared of everyone and everything. And going to get ice cream means going out in public where there are people who she doesn't know.

"Mer, do you want to watch this movie or do you want to change it to something else?" Cristina asks.

"We can watch this movie." Meredith says.

Cristina nods and sets the remote down.

An hour into watching the movie, Meredith gets a pensive look on her face.

"What's wrong Mer?" Cristina asks.

"When do you think my hair will grow longer?" Meredith whispers. "I hate it."

"It's going to take a while, Meredith. I'm so sorry. I know how much you hate it. I'm so sorry your hair was cut this short." Carolyn says, avoiding saying his name in order not to make Meredith freak out.

Meredith sighs and lets some tears escape. "I hate my hair like this. It's so short and uneven."

"I know, baby girl. Would you be willing to get it evened out? We could go get the ends evened out." Carolyn hopes Meredith doesn't freak out like she did the last time when Dr Wyatt suggested cutting the ends of her hair to even it out.

Meredith's eyes widen in fear and she starts to panic. "No, no, no, no,no." She keeps repeating the word over and over again before Cristina cuts her off by grabbing her hands.

"Meredith. Meredith! Look at me! Good girl. It was only a suggestion. You don't have to cut your hair if you don't want to. I know that's a huge trigger for you." Cristina says to Meredith.

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